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A?@0254;82 8 2 >B=>H5=88 >1I5=8O A >3><: G5;>25: A0< ?> A515, =8 1;03>40@O A2>59 ?@0254=>AB8, =8 ?> ?@8G8=5 ?>:0O=8O, =5 <>65B ?@5B5=4>20BL =0 CAB0=>2;5=85 A2O78 A >3><. <5==> 030?5, :0: ?CBL >30 : G5;>25:C, O2;O5BAO 8=8F80B>@>< B0:>3> >1I5=8O.&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>"0:8< >1@07><, 030?5 :0: DC=40<5=B0;L=K9 <>B82 E@8AB80=AB20 E0@0:B5@87C5BAO N3@5=>< :0: (1) =5<>B828@>20==0O ;N1>2L, (2) >A=>20=85< :>B>@>9 O2;O5BAO A0<0 ?@8@>40 >30, (3) ?@>O2;5=85<  A>740=85 F5==>AB8 >1J5:B0 ;N128 8 (4) F5;LN  8=8F80;870F8O >1I5=8O A >3><. &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'><B>ÁÉÂ-<>B82</b>&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>?@545;5=85 M@>A-<>B820 O2;O5BAO 1>;55 A;>6=>9 7040G59 ?@5645 2A53> ?> ?@8G8=5 53> H8@>G09H53> @0A?@>AB@0=5=8O.  >B;8G85 >B 030?5-<>B820, :>B>@K9 A2>9AB25=5= >4=>9 :>=:@5B=>9 @5;8388, M@>A-<>B82 >?8AK205B F5;K9 :><?;5:A @07;8G=KE @5;838>7=KE A8AB5<, >1>1I8BL :>B>@K5 =5 ?@54AB02;O5BAO 2>7<>6=K<. !>3;0A=> N3@5=C, ?@0:B8G5A:8 ;N10O @5;838>7=0O A8AB5<0 70 ?@545;0<8 E@8AB80=AB20 B0: 8;8 8=0G5 E0@0:B5@87C5BAO M@>A-<>B82><, 8 2 ;N1>9 87 =8E >= 1C45B 8<5BL A2>5>1@07=>5 7=0G5=85.&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>"5< =5 <5=55, 2 A2O78 A ?>?C;O@=>ABLN B5@<8=0, 8A?>;L7>20=85< 53> 2 ?A8E>0=0;8B8G5A:>9 B@048F88 8, :0: A;54AB285, 2 A2O78 A ?>B5=F80;L=>9 42CA<KA;5==>ABLN N3@5= AG8B05B =5>1E>48<K< >3>2>@8BL, 2 :0:>< A<KA;5 >= C?>B@51;O5B A;>2> «ÁÉ». 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"0:65 >H81>G=K< O2;O5BAO 8 ?@54?>;>65=85 > B><, GB> 030?5  MB> =082KAH55 8 =081>;55 4CE>2=>5 2K@065=85 M@>A0. 30?5 8 M@>A 87=0G0;L=> 1078@CNBAO =0 01A>;NB=> @07=KE ?@8=F8?0E, B0: GB> ;N10O @54C:F8O ?>4>1=>3> @>40 =5 8<55B ?>4 A>1>9 =8:0:8E >A=>20=89.&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract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sup><a name='ret119_8' href='#ftn119_8' class='ftnLink'>8</a></sup> &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>4=0:> 206=> ?>=8<0BL, GB> =5 B>;L:> =0?@02;5==>ABL E0@0:B5@87C5B M@>A. 06=K< >:07K205BAO B0:65 AB@5<;5=85 4CH8 : 1>65AB25==><C, : <8@C 8459, B> 5ABL 1>65AB25==K9 M@>A. 07K20O MB> AB@5<;5=85 1>65AB25==K< M@>A><, ;0B>= =5 ?>4@07C<5205B, GB> >=> 2 :0:>9-B> <5@5 ?@8ACI5 1>30<: 1>38 =5 <>3CB =8G53> 65;0BL, ?>B><C GB> >=8 =8 2 G5< =5 =C640NBAO 8 ?@51K20NB 2 A>AB>O=88 MC409<>=88. 48=AB25==>5 >B=>H5=85, :>B>@>5 >=8 <>3CB 8<5BL : ;N128, - MB> 1KBL 55 >1J5:B0<8. N48 65 =0>1>@>B, :0: 8AB8==K5 45B8 >@>A0 8 5=88, ?>AB>O==> 8A?KBK20NB =C64C 8 ?>AB>O==> AB@5<OBAO : 1>30<. "0:8< >1@07><, M@>A  MB> =5 =8AE>645=85 1>3>2 : G5;>25:C, => 2>AE>645=85 G5;>25:C : 1>65AB25==><C.&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>&5;L M@>A0  4>AB865=85 MC409<>=88, :>B>@>5 AB0=>28BAO 2>7<>6=K< 2 @57C;LB0B5 >2;045=8O >1J5:B>< ;N128, :>B>@K9 ?@54AB02;O5BAO F5==K< 8 2 :>B>@>< AC1J5:B 8A?KBK205B =C64C. &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>!>3;0A=> N3@5=C, 87 2A53> 2KH5 A:070==>3> A;54C5B, GB> M@>A  MB> M3>8AB8G=K9 284 ;N128. 48=AB25==>5, GB> >:07K205BAO 206=K< 4;O AC1J5:B0 M@>A0, - MB> 701>B0 > A>1AB25==>9 4CH5.<sup><a name='ret119_9' href='#ftn119_9' class='ftnLink'>9</a></sup>&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>"0:8< >1@07><, N3@5= 2848B 2 M@>A-<>B825 (1) M3>8AB8G=CN, <>B828@>20==CN ;N1>2L, (2) >A=>20=85< :>B>@>9 O2;O5BAO >?@545;5==0O ?>B@51=>ABL, 2>7=8:0NI0O :0: >B25B =0 >A>7=0=85 A>1AB25==>3> =5A>25@H5=AB20, (3) ?@>O2;5=85< :>B>@>9 O2;O5BAO AB@5<;5=85 : 1>65AB25==><C, (4) 8 F5;L :>B>@>9  4>AB865=85 MC409<>=88. &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'> «-@>A 8 030?5» N3@5=0 <>6=> ?> ?@02C =0720BL :;0AA8G5A:8< B@C4>< :0: 4;O ?@>B5AB0=BA:>9, B0: 8 4;O :0B>;8G5A:>9 B5>;>388. AA;54>20=85 ?>;CG8;> 1>;LH>5 :>;8G5AB2> >B7K2>2 8 :><<5=B0@852 A@07C ?>A;5 ?C1;8:0F88, 8 =0 ?@>BO65=88 2A53> XX 25:0 8=B5@5A : =5<C =5 >A;01520;. @><5 B>3>, @01>BK, B0: 8;8 8=0G5 @0AA<0B@820NI85 :>=F5?F8N N3@5=0, ?@>4>;60NB 2KE>48BL 8 4> A8E ?>@. 01>B0 N3@5=0 ?>@>48;0 >1H8@=CN ?0AB>@A:CN ;8B5@0BC@C, >4=0:>, GB> 206=55, 2K720;0 8 2>;=C :@8B8:8. 45AL <>6=> 2K45;8BL =5A:>;L:> :;NG52KE <><5=B>2: (1) 0=0;87 A0<>3> <5B>40 N3@5=0, B> 5ABL 2>?@>A > B><, O2;O5BAO ;8 @01>G59 B5>@8O <>B82>2, (2) 0=0;87 >A=>2=>3> <>B820 E@8AB80=AB20, B> 5ABL <>6=> ;8 AG8B0BL 030?5 :;NG52>9 84559, (3) :@8B8:0 4>:070B5;L=>9 107K N3@5=0, (4) :@8B8:0 030?5 :0: 8A:;NG8B5;L=> =>2>7025B=>9 8458, (5) :@8B8:0 48E>B><88 M@>A0 8 030?5. &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>!0<K< 206=K< <><5=B>< :@8B8:8 N3@5=0 O2;O5BAO :@8B8:0 53> >A=>2=>3> B578A0, 0 8<5==> 48E>B><88 M@>A0 8 030?5. 0: >B<5G05B -428= 0<A45; C45=0D, 548=AB25==K< >B;8G85< 030?5 >B M@>A0 2 ?>AB@>5=88 N3@5=0 O2;O5BAO B>, GB> 65;0=85/AB@5<;5=85 ?@8ACI5 B>;L:> M@>AC, 030?5 65, 1C4CG8 A2>1>4=>9 >B =53>, D0:B8G5A:8 AB0=>28BAO A8=>=8<>< <8;>AB8 8 1;03>2>;5=8O. 564C B5<, N3@5=, =0 53> 273;O4, 4>18205BAO B0:>3> @57C;LB0B0 8A:;NG8B5;L=> ?> B>9 ?@8G8=5, GB> >= BI0B5;L=> 8I5B A5:AC0;L=K5 ?>4B5:ABK 2 M@>A-<>B825, 0 2 >B=>H5=88 030?5 B0:>9 @01>BK =5 ?@>2>48B. %>BO >= 8 =5 3>2>@8B =0?@O<CN >1 0A5:AC0;L=>AB8 030?5, 2A5 65 >= 55 ?>4@07C<5205B, @0AA<0B@820O A5:AC0;L=>ABL B>;L:> M@>A0.<sup><a name='ret119_10' href='#ftn119_10' class='ftnLink'>10</a></sup> @><5 B>3>, =0 273;O4 C45=0D0, A0<8 B5:ABK >2>3> 7025B0 70G0ABCN 3>2>@OB > =0;8G88 65;0=8O 2 1>65AB25==>9 ;N128; N3@5= 65, :0: 1K;> >B<5G5=> 2KH5, >AB02;O5B MB8 D@03<5=BK 157 2=8<0=8O. "0:65 C45=0D >1@0I05B 2=8<0=85 =0 B>, GB> C N3@5=0 ?@8=F8? 459AB28O 030?5 B>B 65, GB> 8 C M@>A0, B> 5ABL 8 2 B><, 8 2 4@C3>< A;CG05 @5GL 845B >1 87>18;88, ?@8ACI5< 1>65AB2C, 8 A>?CBAB2CNI5< ?@8>1I5=88 045?B0 : =5<C (summum bonum 4;O M@>A0 8 030?5, 87;820NI0OAO =0 G5;>25:0 8 40NI0O 5<C 2>7<>6=>ABL ;N18BL 2 >B25B).<sup><a name='ret119_11' href='#ftn119_11' class='ftnLink'>11</a></sup>&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>06=K< >:07K205BAO 8 B>, GB> 3>2>@O >1 M@>A5, N3@5=, ?> ACB8, C@02=8205B D8;>A>D8N 8 <8AB5@80;L=K5 :C;LBK. 564C B5<, >B<5G05B C45=0D, E@8AB80=AB2> >:07K205BAO 4>AB0B>G=> 1;87:> <8AB5@80;L=K< :C;LB0<: 4;O ?@8<5@0 4>AB0B>G=> 2A?><=8BL >?8A0=85 A84K<sup><a name='ret119_12' href='#ftn119_12' class='ftnLink'>12</a></sup> 2 «5B0<>@D>70E» ?C;5O 8;8 2=CB@5==NN 1>@L1C 02;0 ?@>B82 A2>59 =87:>9 G5;>25G5A:>9 ?@8@>4K, >B :>B>@>9 >=, :0: 8 CF89, =5 <>65B >A2>1>48BLAO 157 1>65AB25==>3> 2<5H0B5;LAB20.<sup><a name='ret119_13' href='#ftn119_13' class='ftnLink'>13</a></sup> "0:8< >1@07><, C45=0D ?@8E>48B : 2K2>4C, GB> ?>?KB:0 >1>7=0G8BL 030?5 8 M@>A :0: 01A>;NB=> ?@>B82>?>;>6=K5 <>B82K 2 :>@=5 =525@=0. &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>!E>6CN <KA;L 2KA:07K205B 8 >CM; !B@59:5@, 3>2>@O > B><, GB> ?@>B82>?>AB02;5=85 M@>A0 8 030?5 8A:CAAB25==>.  030?5-<>B825, =0 53> 273;O4, B0:65 ?@8ACBAB2C5B <><5=B @0A?>7=020=8O F5==>AB8, 8 MB>9 F5==>ABLN O2;O5BAO >1@07 1>689 2 G5;>25:5.<sup><a name='ret119_14' href='#ftn119_14' class='ftnLink'>14</a></sup> !B@59:5@ B0:65 ?>4=8<05B 2>?@>A > B><, <>6=> ;8 AG8B0BL M@>A M3>8AB8G=K<.<sup><a name='ret119_15' href='#ftn119_15' class='ftnLink'>15</a></sup> > 53> <=5=8N, =0;8G85 AC1J5:B0 8 >1J5:B0 ;N128 3>2>@8B =5 >1 M3>8AB8G=>AB8 GC2AB20, => > =0;8G88 A2O78 <564C ;N1OI8< 8 ;N18<K<, >BACBAB285 :>B>@>9 AB028B ?>4 2>?@>A A0<> ACI5AB2>20=85 ;N128.<sup><a name='ret119_16' href='#ftn119_16' class='ftnLink'>16</a></sup> &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>>>1I5 @0AA<>B@5=8N M@>A-<>B820 2 :>=B5:AB5 B5>@88 N3@5=0 2A5340 C45;O;>AL =5<0;> 2=8<0=8O; <>6=> 4065 3>2>@8BL > ?>O2;5=88 B5>;>388 M@>B8G5A:>3><sup><a name='ret119_17' href='#ftn119_17' class='ftnLink'>17</a></sup> 2 :>=F5 XX  =0G0;5 XXI 25:>2. >;8= @0=B 2 A2>59 @01>B5 1996 3. ?>42>48B ?@><56CB>G=K9 8B>3 48A:CAA88 8 AC<<8@C5B 2A5 0@3C<5=BK «>B M@>A0», 2KA:070==K5 4> B>3> <><5=B0, ?@>B82 =N3@5=>2A:>3> 030?5-<>B820. @5645 2A53>, >B<5G05B >=, =5C4>2;5B2>@5==>ABL B5>@859 N3@5=0 >A=>2K205BAO =0 B><, GB> B>B >B@8F05B D878G5A:>5 ?@>O2;5=85 ;N128 8 M@>B8G5A:>5 2 53> 2848<KE D>@<0E.<sup><a name='ret119_18' href='#ftn119_18' class='ftnLink'>18</a></sup> >4 2>?@>A AB028BAO 2>7<>6=>ABL 045:20B=> >F5=8BL 4@C61C 8;8 A5:AC0;L=>ABL A B>G:8 7@5=8O B@048F8>==>3> E@8AB80=A:>3> ?>=8<0=8O ;N128, ?>A:>;L:C >=> ?@54?>;0305B 70254><> =530B82=K9 E0@0:B5@ =5-030?8G5A:>9 A2O78.<sup><a name='ret119_19' href='#ftn119_19' class='ftnLink'>19</a></sup> @><5 B>3>, A>3;0A=> @0=BC, :@8B8:8 >B<5G0NB, GB> N3@5=, ?>ABC;8@>202 01A>;NB=K9 :>=B@0AB <564C 030?5 :0: 1>65AB25==>9 ;N1>2LN : G5;>25:C 8 M@>A>< :0: G5;>25G5A:>9 ?>?KB:>9 4>AB8GL 1>65AB25==>3>, =5 B>;L:> C=8GB>605B 2>7<>6=>ABL G5;>25G5A:>3> >B25B0 >3C<sup><a name='ret119_20' href='#ftn119_20' class='ftnLink'>20</a></sup>, => 8 2 ?@8=F8?5 >15AF5=8205B G5;>25G5A:CN ;8G=>ABL. ! 4@C3>9 AB>@>=K, >B<5G05B @0=B, =5>4=>:@0B=> ?@54?@8=8<0;8AL ?>?KB:8 CAB0=>28BL «@02=>25A85» <564C M@>A>< 8 030?5,<sup><a name='ret119_21' href='#ftn119_21' class='ftnLink'>21</a></sup> >4=0:> >=8, =0 53> 273;O4, B0:65 =587<5==> ?@82>48;8 : ?>3;>I5=8N 030?5 M@>A><.<sup><a name='ret119_22' href='#ftn119_22' class='ftnLink'>22</a></sup> 040G0 65 A>2@5<5==>9 5<C B5>;>388, =0 53> 273;O4, A>AB>8B 2 2>AAB0=>2;5=88 7=0G8<>AB8 8 C=8:0;L=>AB8 030?5, B> 5ABL 2 2>72@0I5=88 : B@048F8>==><C ;NB5@0=A:><C ?>4E>4C.&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>4=0:> ?>78F8O @0=B0 B0:65 ?>425@30;0AL :@8B8:5. !>2@5<5==K9 48A:C@A > ;N128, =0 273;O4 53> >??>=5=B>2, ?5@5E>48B 2 8=CN ?;>A:>ABL (=0?@8<5@, D5<8=8ABA:>9 B5>;>388) 8 B@51C5B A>F80;L=>9 :>=B5:ABC0;870F88.<sup><a name='ret119_23' href='#ftn119_23' class='ftnLink'>23</a></sup> &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>!?8A>: ;8B5@0BC@K&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>1. <I>Adams R.M.</i> Pure Love // Journal of Religious Ethics.  1980.  No. 8.  pp. 83-99.&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>2. <I>Avis P.</i> Eros and the Sacred.  London: S.P.C.K., 1989&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>3. <I>D'Arcy M.C.</i> The Mind and Heart of Love: A Study In Eros And Agape.  New York: Henry Holt, 1947.  pp. 336.&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>4. <I>Ferré N.F.S.</i> Swedish Contributions to the Modern Theology. With Special Reference to Lundesian Thought.  New York, London: Harper and Row, 1939.  250 p.&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>5. <I>Goodenough E.R. </i>The Fundamental Motif of Christianity // The Journal of Religion.  1940.  Vol. 20.  No. 1.  pp. 1-14.&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>6. <I>Grant C.</i> For the Love of God: Agape // The Journal of Religious Ethics.  1996.  Vol. 24.  No. 1.  pp. 3-21. &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>7. <I>Heyward C. </i>Lamenting the Loss of Love: A Response to Colin Grant // The Journal of Religious Ethics.  1996.  Vol. 24.  No. 1.  pp. 23-28. &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>8. <I>Heyward C.</i> Touching Out Strenght: The Erotic as Power and the Love of God.  New York: Harper and Row, 1989.  208 p. &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>9. <I>Keen S.</i> The Passionate Life: Stages of Loving.  New York: Harper and Row, 1983.&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>10. <I>Lepojärvi J.</i> Does Eros Seek Happiness? A Critical Analysis of C. S. Lewis's Reply to Anders Nygren // Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie.  2011.  Vol. 53.  Issue 2.  pp. 208-224.&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>11. <I>Mahoney T.A. </i>Is Socratic erMs in the "Symposium" Egoistic? // Apeiron: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science.  1996.  Vol. 29.  No. 1.  pp. 1-18. &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>12. <I>McFague S.</i> God as Mother // Weaving and Visions: New Pattern in Feminist Spirituality / Ed. by Judith Plaskow and Carol P. Christ.  San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1989.  pp. 139-150.&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>13. <I>Nygren A.</i> Agape and Eros.  Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1953.  784 p.<i>&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>14. Saarinen R.</i> Eros and Protestantism: From Nygren to Milbank // Gudstankens aktualitet: bidrag om teologiens opgave og indhold og protestantismens indre spændinger: festskrift til Peter Widmann. Ed. by E. Wilberg Pedersen.  Copenhagen: Anis, 2010.  p. 339-350. &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>15. <I>Schindler D.C. </i>Plato and the Problem of Love: On the Nature of Eros in the "Symposium" // Apeiron: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science.  2007.  Vol. 40.  No. 3.  pp. 199-220. &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>16. <I>Streiker L.D. </i>The Christian Understanding of Platonic Love. A Critique of Anders Nygren's "Agape and Eros" // The Christian Scholar.  1964.  Vol. 47.  No. 4.  pp. 331-340. &nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>17. <I>Tillich P.</i> Systematic Theology.  Digswell Place: James Nisbet and Company, 1968.&nbsp;</p> <p class='hcAbstract'>18. <I>Vacek E.C. </i>Love, Christian and Diverse: A Response to Colin Grant // The Journal of Religious Ethics.  1996.  Vol. 24.  No. 1.  pp. 29-34. <p class='pcEndnotesSection'>&nbsp;</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_1' href='#ret119_1' class='ftnLink'>1</a></sup>&nbsp; «%@8AB80=A:0O 845O ;N128 =0 ?@>BO65=88 25:>2: M@>A 8 030?5».</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_2' href='#ret119_2' class='ftnLink'>2</a></sup>&nbsp; 5@20O G0ABL 2K45@60;0 ?OBL ?5@58740=89 =0 H254A:>< O7K:5, 2B>@0O  B@8. AO :=830 1K;0 ?5@52545=0 =0 0=3;89A:89, =5<5F:89, 40BA:89, D@0=FC7A:89, 8A?0=A:89, 8B0;LO=A:89, O?>=A:89 8 :8B09A:89 O7K:8. 0 0=3;89A:>< ?5@20O G0ABL 1K;0 >?C1;8:>20=0 2 1932 3. 2 ?5@52>45 .6. -15@B0, 2B>@0O  2 42CE B><0E 2 1938 8 1939 33. 2 ?5@52>45 .!. #>BA>=0. 5@58740=8O =0 0=3;89A:>< (1956, 1982) B0:65 2KE>48;8 ?>4 @540:F859 #>BA>=0.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_3' href='#ret119_3' class='ftnLink'>3</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>Nygren A.</i> Agape and Eros. pp. 34-35.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_4' href='#ret119_4' class='ftnLink'>4</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>Nygren A.</i> Agape and Eros. p. 30.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_5' href='#ret119_5' class='ftnLink'>5</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>Ibid</i>, pp. 75-76.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_6' href='#ret119_6' class='ftnLink'>6</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>Ibid, </i>p. 78.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_7' href='#ret119_7' class='ftnLink'>7</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>0@=0: . </i>!CI=>ABL E@8AB80=AB0. (5AB=04F0BL ;5:F89, G8B0==KE ABC45=B0< 2A5E D0:C;LB5B>2 2 78<=89 A5<5AB@ 1899-1900 3. 2 5@;8=A:>< C=825@A8B5B5 / 5@. ..  !1.: 740=85 ..8@>6:>20, 1907.  A. 38, 47-52.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_8' href='#ret119_8' class='ftnLink'>8</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>Nygren A.</i> Agape and Eros. pp. 175-176.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_9' href='#ret119_9' class='ftnLink'>9</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>Nygren A.</i> Agape and Eros. p. 180.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_10' href='#ret119_10' class='ftnLink'>10</a></sup>&nbsp; >4@>1=55 A<. <I>Goodenough E.R. </i>The Fundamental Motif of Christianity // The Journal of Religion.  1940.  Vol. 20.  No. 1.  pp. 3, 7.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_11' href='#ret119_11' class='ftnLink'>11</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>Ibid,</i> p. 6.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_12' href='#ret119_12' class='ftnLink'>12</a></sup>&nbsp; 0?@8<5@, Metamorphoses, lib. XI, 5: «Adsum tuos miserata casus, adsum favens et propitia» («>B O, A>AB@040NI0O B2>8< 1540<, 2>B O, 1;03>65;0B5;L=0O 8 <8;>A5@4=0O»).</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_13' href='#ret119_13' class='ftnLink'>13</a></sup>&nbsp; >4@>1=55 A<. <I>Goodenough E.R. </i>The Fundamental Motif of Christianity. pp. 7-9.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_14' href='#ret119_14' class='ftnLink'>14</a></sup>&nbsp; >4@>1=55 A<. <I>Streiker L.D. </i>The Christian Understanding of Platonic Love. A Critique of Anders Nygren's "Agape and Eros" // The Christian Scholar.  1964.  Vol. 47.  No. 4.  pp. 338-339.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_15' href='#ret119_15' class='ftnLink'>15</a></sup>&nbsp; 5B0;L=K9 @071>@ MB>9 ?@>1;5<K: <I>Mahoney T.A. </i>Is Socratic erMs in the "Symposium" Egoistic? // Apeiron: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science.  1996.  Vol. 29.  No. 1.  pp. 1-18; <I>Schindler D.C. </i>Plato and the Problem of Love: On the Nature of Eros in the "Symposium" // Apeiron: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science.  2007.  Vol. 40.  No. 3.  pp. 199-220; >10 02B>@0 A:;>=ONBAO : <KA;8, GB> M@>A =5 M3>8AB8G5= 8 =5 02B>-M@>B8G5=; <I>Lepojärvi J.</i> Does Eros Seek Happiness? A Critical Analysis of C. S. Lewis's Reply to Anders Nygren // Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie.  2011.  Vol. 53.  Issue 2.  pp. 208-224.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_16' href='#ret119_16' class='ftnLink'>16</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>Streiker L.D. </i>The Christian Understanding of Platonic Love. A Critique of Anders Nygren's "Agape and Eros". p. 339.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_17' href='#ret119_17' class='ftnLink'>17</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>Grant C.</i> For the Love of God: Agape // The Journal of Religious Ethics.  1996.  Vol. 24.  No. 1.  p. 5.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_18' href='#ret119_18' class='ftnLink'>18</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>Keen S.</i> The Passionate Life: Stages of Loving.  New York: Harper and Row, 1983.  p. 9. &8B. ?> <I>Grant C.</i> For the Love of God: Agape. p. 4.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_19' href='#ret119_19' class='ftnLink'>19</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>Heyward C.</i> Touching Out Strenght: The Erotic as Power and the Love of God.  New York: Harper and Row, 1989.  pp. 98-99; ?>4@>1=55 > ?@>1;5<5 A<. <I>Saarinen R.</i> Eros and Protestantism: From Nygren to Milbank // Gudstankens aktualitet : bidrag om teologiens opgave og indhold og protestantismens indre spændinger: festskrift til Peter Widmann. Ed. by E. Wilberg Pedersen.  Copenhagen: Anis, 2010.  p. 339-350.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_20' href='#ret119_20' class='ftnLink'>20</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>D'Arcy M.C.</i> The Mind And Heart of Love: A Study In Eros And Agape.  New York: Henry Holt, 1947.  p. 79.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_21' href='#ret119_21' class='ftnLink'>21</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>Adams R.M.</i> Pure Love // Journal of Religious Ethics.  1980.  No. 8.  pp. 83-99; <I>Avis P.</i> Eros and the Sacred.  London: S.P.C.K., 1989; <I>McFague S.</i> God as Mother // Weaving and Visions: New Pattern in Feminist Spirituality / Ed. by Judith Plaskow and Carol P. Christ.  San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1989.  pp. 139-150; <I>Tillich P.</i> Systematic Theology.  Digswell Place: James Nisbet and Company, 1968.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_22' href='#ret119_22' class='ftnLink'>22</a></sup>&nbsp; >4@>1=55 A<. <I>Grant C.</i> For the Love of God: Agape. p. 5-6.</p> <p class='pcFootnote'><sup><a name='ftn119_23' href='#ret119_23' class='ftnLink'>23</a></sup>&nbsp; <I>Heyward C. </i>Lamenting the Loss of Love: A Response to Colin Grant // The Journal of Religious Ethics.  1996.  Vol. 24.  No. 1.  p. 24; <I>Heyward C.</i> Touching Out Strenght: The Erotic as Power and the Love of God. pp. 24-25; <I>Vacek E.C. </i>Love, Christian and Diverse: A Response to Colin Grant // The Journal of Religious Ethics.  1996.  Vol. 24.  No. 1.  pp. 29-34.</p></p> </div> </td> <td style="background:url(tabs/tii_69.png) repeat-y"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="tabs/tii_72.png" alt="" /></td> <td style="background:url(tabs/tii_74.png) repeat-x"></td> <td><img src="tabs/tii_79.png" alt="" /></td> </tr> </table> <p class="MsoNormal" align="right" style='text-align:right'><span style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;'>© ;0B>=>2A:>5 >1I5AB2>, 2018 3. </span></p> <p align="right" style='margin-top:0mm;margin-right:3pt;margin-bottom: 0mm;margin-left:-36.0pt;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-align:right'><b><span style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;'><a href="../index3.htm">  !!# $ &</a></span></b></p> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> </td> </tr> </tbody> </body> <!-- InstanceEnd --></html>