Plato and Platonism in the Context
of Recent Research Strategies in History of Philosophy
Русская версия
24. 06. 2015
SPbSU Institute of philosophy
(Mendeleevskaya line, 5)
10.30 – 11.00
(lecture hall 24)
Moderators – Svetlov R. V., Protopopova I. A.
Conference opening
Svetlov R. V.
On activities of the Russian Plato philosophical society
11.15 – 14.00
Plenary session
Robinson T. The developmental approach to Plato
Robinson Thomas More, prof., Toronto University (Canada)
In this paper I shall begin by addressing the meta-problem of the choice of the dialogue form in which Plato decided to express himself, and its implications for whether we have a right to be talking about ‘Plato’ at all in the dialogues, given that he never appears as an interlocutor in any of them, and, if such talk is acceptable, just where exactly he is supposed to be hiding in his various literary creations. And - finally - if he can be found and brought to light, I shall be asking whether he is simply a participant in the various discussions that constitute his works or can be said to be saying something which can be affirmed with some confidence to be his own account of the way things are. At this point I shall address the strengths and weaknesses of a ‘developmentalist’ approach to Plato which leaves open the possibility that, while holding strong views on many things, he might on occasion have changed his mind on a number of them - some of them important, such as the theory of transcendental forms and the notion of the soul as tripartite - as his writing life progressed, and what some of the implications of these putative changes of mind might be. I shall conclude by offering a brief summary of the broad outlines, according to developmentalist theory, of what I think Plato might reasonably be held to have adhered to with some steadfastness in the realms of metaphysics, physics, cosmology, ethics, political theory, and the arts.
Szlezák T. On the Meaning of the Key Concepts in Plato´s Criticism of Writing. A Philological Approach to Phaedrus 274 b – 278 e
Szlezák Thomas Alexander, prof. emeritus, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Germany)
I´m going to show that the standard modern interpretation of our text is based on the neglect of philologically indispensable interpretive steps. I’ll simply try to follow the old philological principle of „Homēron ex Homērou saphēnizein“, or, in our case, „Platōna ek Platōnos“. My conclusion: the dialectician´s remaining silent if necessary - and it is necessary when he is confronted with people „who have no business with philosophy“ (275 e2 par´ hois ouden prosēkei) – is precisely his theōi charizesthai, his use of logoi that will please god: since the ideas, and, a fortiori, the principles are theia, divine, he will expound them only to interlocutors who have the necessary intellectual and ethical preparation. Since a writing can at any time get into the hands of those who have no business with philosophy, he will not expound them in a written book.
Press G. An Alternative Plato
Press Gerald, prof., Hunter college, New York, NY, USA (USA)
The mainstream tradition in Plato interpretation from antiquity to the mid-20th century was doctrinal and systematic. It assumed that Socrates or other conversation leaders are mouthpieces for Plato’s views and arguments, that Plato wrote in order to instruct readers in truths of which he was sure, that his doctrines did or should constitute a systematic whole, and that literary, dramatic, and contextual features of the dialogues could be ignored as mere form for the essential propositional and logical content. Thus translated, the dialogues appear to be direct communications of doctrine. Research over the past 50 years has undermined or done away with all of these assumptions along with many of their supporting assumptions and interpretive strategies. It has done away with most of compositional chronology and the developmental consensus, complicated our picture of the Platonic corpus with the categories of revision and semi-authenticity, and clarified that dogmatic and systematic Platonism is largely a post-Platonic production. In place of the old consensus, an alternative Plato has been emerging; one whose writings are literary and dramatic as well as logical and argumentative, who communicates indirectly rather than directly. He communicates ironically, through argument and story, seriousness and play. He teaches as a guide rather than an authority, deploys imaginative and emotional as well as rational strategies, attempts to gain our internal adherence rather than propositional assent, to some principles and values rather than particular doctrines of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, or politics. He offers a kind of philosophic knowledge that ought to be understood as a vision rather than as a set of specific definitions and doctrines.
14.00-14.30 Coffee break
14.30-19.00 Workshops
section 1: New approaches to Platonism
(lecture hall 24)
Moderators – Svetlov R. V., Mochalova I. N.
Protopopova I. Plato’s Symposium as Silenus and Androgyne
Protopopova Irina, PhD in Cultorology, Head of Plato Research Centre, Russian State University for the Humanities
Ключевые слова: Plato, Symposium, hubris, inversion, mystery, androgyne. The paper aims to examine the semantics of hubris as "inversion" as one of the leitmotifs of the Symposium relating to the topic of interacting opposites. This theme unfolds throughout the dialogue at the level of the vocabulary, the characters' behavior, the philosophical content and the structure of the dialogue. The analysis of these levels of the text is implemented by means of the key metaphors of inversion and hubris in the Symposium – androgynes of Aristophanes and silenes from the speech of Alcibiades. The author concludes that the Symposium may be called, overall, a philosophical apology of hubris as inversion of “object” and “method” in the form of a sui generis "satyric drama".
Garadja A. Enigmas of Symposium: berries or eggs, and why hiccups?
Garadja Alexey, research fellow of Plato Research Centre, Russian State University for the Humanities
Ключевые слова: Plato, Aristophanes, Symposium, David Ruhnke, Plato in translation. The paper, sketching preparatory steps for a new Russian translation of Plato’s Symposium, “debugs” a number of emendations made to the Symposium’s vulgo lectio centuries ago that remain tacitly and uncritically accepted by most modern scholars and translators. Chances are that Plato himself, no less a refined writer than a profound thinker, may have elaborated on and via his text, provoking readers and evencatering for a lectio difficilior, thus emulating the mocking wizardry of his Socrates.
Mochalova I. Plato’s «Timaeus» in the Early Academy: the conflict of interpretations
Mochalova Irina, PhD, associate professor, Head of Philosophy department at A. S. Puskin Leningrad State University
Ключевые слова: “Timaeus” , Plato, Aristotle, Xenocrates, the Early Academy discussions. The report aims to look at “Timaeus” in the context of the Early Academy discussions. This consideration will allow to reveal the formation of various hermeneutic strategies in the Academy. In particular, it will help to show the features of the dialogue interpretations proposed by Xenocrates and Aristotle.
Dyomin R. Dialogue “Parmenides” as a source for the biography of Plato
Dyomin Rostislav, lecturer, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, “Peterschule” gymnasium
Zotov S. Neoplatonic and Hermetic origins of Zosima of Ponopolis’ spiritual alchemy
Zotov Sergey, Russian School of Anthropology (RSA RSUH) postgraduate
Ключевые слова: Zosimos of Panopolis, alchemy, spiritual alchemy, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Plato, Hermes, Poimandres. In this report are discussed Neoplatonic and Hermetic influences on alchemy of Zosimos of Panopolis. He connected in the syncretic unity operational alchemy, Neo-Platonic philosophy and Gnostic religious metaphors. Also is observed his role in apperance of spiritual alchemy phenomenon.
Evlampiev I. The fate of the idea of metempsychosis in European philosophy
Evlampiev I., PhD, Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU
Ключевые слова: metempsychosis, Gnosticism, true Christianity, Fichte on immortality, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, eternal return. Orthodox Christianity has replaced Plato’s idea of metempsychosis by a Jewish idea of the resurrection to the perfect life. However, the doctrine was developed in Gnosticism where metempsychosis was an important principle. Very many European philosophers developed such understanding of immortality. This concept appears in philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa and J. Bruno, then it had been developed by Leibniz. Especially important role it played in the later philosophy of I. G. Fichte. For Fichte the main in the true doctrine of Christ is the idea of the identity of God and man, it means that people in every moment of earthly time involved in God and eternity, so death can only be conventional boundary between different forms of life on earth as absolute life. All of these ideas can also be found in Dostoevsky’s philosophical views and in Nietzsche’s doctrine of eternal return.
Shevzov C. Plato's anamnesis and hermeneutics of personal past in the Augustine’s Confessions
Shevzov Constantine, PhD, Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU
Throughout his life, Augustine refered to the Platonic idea of anamnesis, not taking it in full, but not completely rejecting it, but the question for him was not a direct recollection of what had been forgotten at the time of the fall of the first man, but only an interpretation of the past, the understanding of the personal history as letters, requiring decoding and interpretation, as the thought of confession, in which knowledge and memory constitute an indissoluble unity. In addition to the famous Plato and Aristotle memory of ideal objects and sensual images, Augustine attaches particular importance to such form of purely personal memory, as the memory emotion, passions. And even forgetting in this light seems not the lack of memory and the ability to keep the connection with the subject by means of oblivion, without thinking thing, but keeping in mind that something is forgotten. Memory Augustine understood not only as a way of eternal existence of temporary earthly life, but also as a real relation to what is more than human but all the same correlates to its existence.
Svetlov R. Euhemerus and Plato
Svetlov Roman, Prof., Institute of Philosophy SPbSU, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities
Antiquity knows several types of interpretations of the myth: the allegorical, rational-critical and euhemerical. It is interesting that we can meet with all of them in the texts of Plato, who lived long before Euhemeras and Palaephatus. The paper examines the well-known Plato’s texts about Thoth of «Phaedrus» (274s-275a) and «Philebus» (18b-d), as well as thematically closest fragment of the «Statesman» (274b-d). It is shown that the Platonic «euhemerism» based on the inner preconditions and basis in the teachings of Plato. We have in mind Plato's cosmology and view of history (movements of Cosmos), which gave the opportunity to talk about Plato's «earthly gods».
Paribok A. Greek logos vis a vis Indian artha. Speeches in the unity with thoughts - or unity with things
Paribok Andrey, PhD, associate professor, Institute of Philosophy SPbSU
section 2: Plato and European philosophical tradition
(lecture hall 143а)
ModeRaToRs – Sokolova L. Yu., Nikonenko S. V.
Pogoniailo A. The Cave and the flycatcher
Pogoniailo Alexander, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Institute of Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University
Ключевые слова: сare of the self, logic, truth. Understanding of the meaning, which goes back to Plato's myth of the cave, initiates the classical metaphysics with its unconditional preference of the "contemplation" (theory) to the act (Aristotelian poetic and practical sciences). Commits an act is always going to have a choice, while true science is where decision and commitment i.e. the choice is not necessary. Under this condition, contemplation is a "step" from himself to himself. It is the "step" which teaches contemplation, or what is the same, speculation, i.e. the ability to see the invisible ideas (forms of things). Other words, this "step" actually provides access to the sphere of logos, to the space of logical. The ability to perform this step Plato calls "the art of conversion". If now the philosophers do not go for the meaning to the cave it does not save them from having to somehow make sense of "the art of conversion". This should be done now beyond the traditional metaphysical oppositions such as the One and the Many, the Form and the Matter, The Spirit and The Matter, and so on.
Sokolova L. Heideggerian reading Plato in the interpretation of A. Boutot
Sokolova Larissa, Prof., Institute of Philosophy, St Petersburg State University
Ключевые слова: A. Boutot, Heidegger, Plato, ontology, the destruction of metaphysics, oblivion of being. Known question of aristotelianism Heidegger does not interfere A. Boutot admit that the figure of Plato, as the founder of metaphysics, is of fundamental importance for the German philosopher. Reading Plato for Heidegger a confrontation with the "other" in yourself, confrontation of two positions: metaphysics and thoughts of being. Therefore this reading is an essential moment in own philosophy of Heidegger: it allows him to get rid of its original metaphysical beginning and more confident to follow the thought of being. and more confident to follow the thought of being. Boutot does not include naturally all aspects of the theme. The article shows that the later Heidegger no longer considers the philosophy of Plato as a turning, because attribute the beginning metaphysics to the earlier stages of Greek thought.
Protopopov I. The problem of identity of being and not-being in the philosophy of Plato
Protopopov Ivan, PhD, associate professor, St Petersburg State University for Aerospace Instrumentation
Ключевые слова: being and not-being, idea of not-being, determinate negation, other in respect of itself, мind, life, becoming. The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of identity of being and not-being in the philosophy of Plato. Plato thinks that not-being has not conceived as the opposite of being in the sense of his absence, but conceived as the other in relation to the being. Idea of not-being as a determinate negation related with the main ideas and is dialectically identical with the idea of being. The idea of not-being as the other in respect of itself is crucial to Plato's dialectics in general, providing in principle of possibility for determining its position, according to which, the being should be inherent the mind, life and becoming.
Nikonenko S. The idea of eidetic experience
Nikonenko Sergey, PhD, prof., Saint-Petersburg State University Institute of Philosophy
The matter of the speech is the eidetic experience that is the sublime experience of creating images and symbols. Eidetic experience is divided from sensation and mind. Eidos is the perfect ideal form. Plato’s eidetic theory is criticized here because eidos cannot be abstracted from symbolization. Eidos is an element of culture that has objective existence besides immediate experience.
Drobyshev V. Neoplatonism after Difference
Drobyshev Vitaly, PhD, doctoral candidate at Russian Christian Academy for Humanities
Ключевые слова: Apophasis, faith, deconstruction, negative theology, Neoplatonism, difference. The report is devoted to a question of a correlation of philosophy of Difference and Neoplatonism. Whether it is possible to tell that this philosophy creates new version of Neoplatonism or it destroys a Platonic paradigm inside of transformation of the European religiousness.
Batrakova I. Specifics of dialectic of Plato and Hegel
Batrakova Irina, PhD, associate professor at Mechnikov North-West State Medical University
In author's speech it is planned to concern a problem of specifity of antique dialectics, and first of all Platon's dialectics, in the context of its further historico-philosophical development. The special attention will be paid to critical comparison of characteristics Platon and Hegel's dialecticians.
Sotnikova N. Plato’s realm of ideas in Schopenhauer’s aesthetics
Sotnikova Nadezhda, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor at Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of Russia
Ключевые слова: Plato, Schopenhauer, aesthetics, art, genius. The article argues that Plato's world of ideas in the aesthetics of Schopenhauer's losing its independence and becoming a connecting link between the world of will and world views. Ideas are the basis for the objectification of will. In the aesthetics of Schopenhauer understand important issues. The essence of artistic creation is understood as the artist's special ability, intuitive contemplation that allows him to get out of the power of the will and contemplate the essence of ideas and the will. The essence of art is a German thinker to bezvol′nomu contemplation of the eternal ideas expressed in images of beauty. The significance of art Schopenhauer saw the opportunity to save people from pain and gain pleasure in contemplation. Schopenhauer's aesthetics that became the Foundation of theories of «pure art», moved the focus to its futility.
Azarova J. Plato’s theory of Form and Levinas’ heterology
section 3: Mind, Time, Language in Platonic tradition
(hall 141)
Moderators – Artemyev T. M., Seliverstov V. L.
Elashkina A. The difficulty of distinguishing διάνοια and νόησις in the Plato’s dialogues.
Elashkina Anna,
Ключевые слова: Plato, understanding, reason, διάνοια, νόησις, dramatic reading, Sophist, reflection. According to Plato, the emergence of νόησις does not negate διάνοια, and includes it. Both levels of thinking are present at the same time In the later dialogues, therefore, the we need special methods of understanding to identify a reasonable νόησις.
Korobov-Latyntsev A. Philosophical language of Plato
Korobov-Latyntsev A., candidate of philosophical science , lecturer of the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology VSU
Ключевые слова: philosophy, philosophical language, Plato, Russian philosophy. The article is devoted to the philosophical language of Plato. Considered the constitution of philosophical language in ancient Greece. Justifying the importance of Plato's philosophical language to Russian philosophy.
Pleshkov A. Philosophy of language in Plato’s Timaeus
Pleshkov Alexey, Junior Research Fellow at Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE); Postgraduate Student at Faculty of Philosophy, NRU HSE
Ключевые слова: Plato, the Timaeus, philosophy of language. In the article an attempt to explicate language issues of Plato’s Timaeus is made. The author demonstrates that from the very beginning of the dialogue Plato emphasized the importance of the linguistic dimension. Moreover, the ontological structure, proposed within Timaeus speech, can be considered as a key to understanding of Plato’s philosophy of language.
Artemjev T. Conditions for the realization of ideas in Plato’s philosophy
Artemjev Timur, assistant lecturer at Mechnikov North-West State Medical University (St Petersburg)
Litvin T. The problem of duration and the language of description of time in Plotinus
Litvin Tatiana, PhD, associate professor, Higher School of Religion and Philosophy, St Petersburg Christian University
Seliverstov V. Augustine on the paradoxes of time and soul
Seliverstov Victor, PhD, associate professor, St Petersburg State University for Telecommunications
In the ontological sense the change of a linear sequence (from the future — now and in the present — in the past), according to Augustine, does not respond satisfactorily to a question about the essence of time. Time, as such, has a duality: it is' there to fade. "The place of his existence — in the soul of the person. There is a paradoxical contrast between the "time of the soul" and "Time of the World." The true meaning and significance of the event not only commensurate with the external outline of what is happening, but with the essence of the person.
Shchedrinova O. Interpretation of Plato’s sacred knowledge within the context of transdisciplinary research strategy
Shchedrinova Oksana, lecturer, St Petersburg State University for Aerospace Instrumentation
Ключевые слова: sacred knowledge, Plato, transdisciplinary research strategy, scientific hypotheses, soul, memory.. In the paper we consider the relationships between Plato’s sacred knowledge, the achievements of modern science and art texts of classic literature. Using the methodology of transdisciplinary research strategies allowed us to study Plato's postulate of the soul and memory.
25. 06. 2015
russian christian academy of humanities
Fontanka riv. embankment 15
11.00-14.00 Workshops
section 4: Medieval and Russian receptions of Platonism,
part 1
(Assembly hall)
Moderators – Makovetsky E. A., Shmonin D. V.
Panteleev A. Plato and Gnostics: In Search of an ideal society
Panteleev Alexey, associate professor of St-Petersburg State University Institute of History
Ключевые слова: Platonism, Gnosticism, ‘Republic’, Epiphanes, Carpocratians, Ethics. The aim of the report is the analysis of the fragment of the writing "On Justice" by Epiphanes, Alexandrian Gnostic of IInd century AD, which was retained by Clement of Alexandria (Strom. III,2,5-8). We can find there Plato's idea of community of women (Rep. V, 457d). This passage not only illustrates the debate about ethics, which was conducted between the various currents in Early Christianity, but also illustrates the strange synthesis of a wide variety of ideological currents that carried by Gnostics.
Tantlevskij I. R. Did the Qumran Jews know the Platonic doctrine? On cross-cultural relations in Hellenistic Syro-Palestine region
Tantlevskij Igor, PhD, Professor of St-Petersburg State University Institute of Philosophy
Prikhodko M. Anamnesis as a principle of Early-Christian Hermeneutics
Prikhodko Maksim, The Priest of the parish of St. apostle John of Russian Orthodox Church, Togliatti
Ключевые слова: Plato, anamnesis, recollection, Early-Christian apologetic, hermeneutics, logos. In the report is considered Early-Christian reception of Plato's doctrine of recollection (ἀναμνησις). Rejecting a number of positions Plato's doctrine, the apologists Tatian, Tertullian and Clement of Alexandria accept and develop Plato's thesis about unity of love and knowledge, about perception of a spiritual reality as a necessary precondition for comprehension of original knowledge. The works of the Early-Christian authors show that the separate elements the concepts of recollection become an important component of basic Christian hermeneutic principle – the unity of two plans of the sacred text: eternal and temporal, The Word of God containing perfect Wisdom and Its revelation in the immanent world, in a personal soul.
Kurdybaylo D. The concept of «symbol» in Origen's treatise «Contra Celsum»
Kurdybaylo Dmitry, PhD, SPbSU Institute of Philosophy, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities
Benevich G. Platonism and the debates about Origenism in Palestine of IV-V centuries
Benevich Grigory, PhD, associate professor at Russian Christian Academy for Humanities
Tonoyan L. John Philoponus and Boethius: Greek and Latin comment on Aristotelian logic
Tonoyan Larissa, PhD, Institute of Philosophy SPbSU
Ключевые слова: John Philoponus, Severin Boethius, neo-Platonism, Aristotle's logic, the doctrine of hypothetical and categorical syllogism. The report focuses on the logical traditions that have developed in the early Middle Ages in the Eastern and Western Roman Empire. The features of the Byzantine and Roman interpretations of the doctrine of hypothetical syllogisms are reviewed on the example of Philoponus' comments to Aristotle's "First Analytics" and Boethius' "On the hypothetical syllogism".
Vasylyk V. Methodology of studying Platonism in patristic studies
Vasylyk Vladimir, PhD, associate professor at Institute of History, SPbSU
Capilupi S. Plato and Peter Lombard: historical and philosophical experience of contemplation of the possible liberation of humanity
Capilupi Stephano Maria, head of the Department of Italian language and culture at the Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Italy-Russia)
Ключевые слова: light, aspiration, matter, corporeality, faith, harmony, eschatology. In this article the author offers a new view at the beginning of the seventh book of Plato's Republic analogy with the Christian world view and unexpected matches with Christian eschatology. Plato says Glaucon about the prisoner, who had just freed from the shackles of the cave: "If anyone would be forced to drag him up on the slope ... not he will suffer and be troubled by such violence?". The risk of glare front of the Sun, which threatens the released prisoner, reminds us of the state of the apostles front of the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor. Throughout the Old Testament among the images of a particular appearance of the Creator and of his Spirit front of the people we meet also a still small voice (The third book of Kings, 19, 20): "After the earthquake a fire; but not in the fire there is the Lord. After the fire a still small voice, and it was the Lord". Indeed, in the Christian tradition there is an epistemological condescension of God to the people, in the sense that He had spoken to them by various miracles and ideas, depending on the sensitivity, the ability and even the formation of each. And most of all, He gradually opens up to them the truth. The Gospel story of the Lord comes as a thief in the night ends with the fact that believers are but in the light, not in darkness, so that the Lord is not going to appear suddenly to them "as a thief in the night" (Matthew 24: 42-44). Bernard Klerovsky stressed how the higest plan of God is that man could free, not force love Him. In the Old Testament there is the image of a loved clouds, which marks the presence of the divine. It is overshadowing cloud from which the Creator finally announces a major mystery of the future at Tabor in the Gospel. The released prisoner of Plato is the philosopher who called for returning to the cave to free the others, or to be killed by them, on the story of Plato, that remember the fate of Socrates. This happened to the prophets of the Old Testament, to the Christ and to the martyrs of Christianity. The problem and the mistery of the contemplation and trasformation is solved that people in the eschatological order is what he sees and what he hears. The mistery of the Christianity is the mystery of the Eucharist in which the believer becomes a part of what he receives in himself as holy bread and wine. It becomes clear, as in the Christian truth the human corporeality is fully engaged in the path of contemplation and in the path of transformation, and the ultimate hope it is thus the hope that every human body has become light. The four segments of the path of liberation of the prisoner in Plato are remarkably similar to the four eschatological stages of the humanity by the scholastic Peter Lombard. The last segment of the famous line of Plato, noesis, it is most likely the time of the contemplation and the time of the transfiguration, when silence reigns, and researchers are still debating whether there is the source of the well and the contemplation, that is the sun itself, or whether it is "on" beyond the last segment. Peter Lombard: with and "after" (the impossible "then" when the time-space dimension meets eternity unknown by man) people «non potest peccare», ergo non potest non amare, that is the fourth, by Peter Lombard, stage of the eschatology, when the person is finally freed from the risk and temptation of non-love, which means freed from the risk of not being deeply himself. This is because the root of being is the love, that is the trinitarian self-giving to others (Father is the Father only for the Son, and the Son is the Son only for the Father), which is, at the Second Coming, the root of pure and exclusive joy, but in the imperfect steps of the world is inevitably accompanied also by suffering and painful sacrifice.
section 5: Platonism: New perspectives of research
(hall 504)
Moderators – Alymova E. V., Protopopova I. A.
Trushina M. On paradigms and paradigmatism in Plato
Trushina Maria, SPbSU graduate
Ключевые слова: παράδειγμα, μίμησις, cognition, theory of Forms. In the presentation Plato’s usage of the term παράδειγμα and Plato’s method which might be defined as paradigmatic is investigated. Despite the fact that Plato considers the knowledge gained with help of paradigms incomplete and denounces the attempts of approaching the contemplation of the Forms by any images, he, however, admits the importance of the paradigmatic method and applies it actively, making paradigm a link between the sensual and the intelligible worlds.
Sergeev A. To the death of Socrates
Sergeev Andrey,
Socrates must have died to chance for identification Plato’s lines. Death of Socrates also includes death as a literature personage, like a character of the period “Socratic Plato”. Way to death of literature Socrates is include The «Hippias Major». The central point of my message is analysis of the «Hippias Major». This analysis will (or will not) show the imitation of The Daemon by Plato. To struggle against Platonism is: Struggle against his field of “Arrange” To show presuppositions of field. One of presuppositions was imitation of Socrates by Plato.
Korolyov V. On the Theory of the History of Philosophy: The Way We Have Been Reading Plato
Korolyov V., Russian Christian Academy for Humanities student
The history of philosophy is a unique field of human knowledge which plays the constitutive role of collective memory of philosophy itself as well as the collective memory about philosophy. It is a never ending reorganization of our memories, forgetting the non-actual and recollecting of the most important which is constantly realized by the philosophic community. At the same time it is a creation of reality as nobody can guarantee that what we remember has really existed. Why then do we think it to be knowledge? The necessary aspect of any knowledge is its substantiation. The level of substantiation sufficient for a thesis to get the status of knowledge depends on the evidence criteria accepted in a certain paradigm. The philosophic community is constantly and consciously working out certain evidence criteria and it is only the theses satisfying these criteria that become the foundation of images constructed by the history of philosophy. The data correction within one and the same approach does not lead to any evidence criteria changes. In case a thesis is not acknowledged to meet these criteria it can be replaced by a better fitting one. Meanwhile the emergence of new approaches and research strategies testifies to the fact that there appears a group of specialists not satisfied with the existing learning strategies. They first tend to critically re-evaluate the existing and create new evidence criteria, which leads to the construction of a dramatically different image of the philosopher in question. Similar arguments can be applied to most fields of humanitarian knowledge using the historical method to say nothing of history itself. It is in the historical-philosophical discourse that the range of different competing research strategies seems to be the widest. In the history of philosophy there is a champion section as to the number of the research carried out and that is Plato studies. Usually Plato researchers as well as other historians of philosophy use each others works for polemic reasons resorting to two operations mostly, i.e. critics and agreement. It can be explained in view of their objective which is clarification of Plato’s different ideas. Rarely did we try to pose a question how we read Plato in different times. Answering this question is very important for Plato studies in both methodological and cultural aspects. We will make use of the first volume of Popper’s “Open Society and Its Enemies” to develop this idea.
Bakhar S. The Plato's doctrine of death and postmortal existence
Bakhar Spiridon, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities postgraduate
Sanzhenakov A. Socrates’ moral axiomatics and its justification by Plato and Stoics
Sanzhenakov Alexander, PhD, research fellow of Institue of Philosophy and Law of Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Department
Ключевые слова: Socrates, Plato, Stoics, Zeno, good, bad, indifferent, virtue, vice. In my report, I will examine moral axiomatic of Socrates and its justification by Plato and Stoics. I will show primary similarities and differences in both approaches. Plato prefers to found the justification on the desire for happiness. Stoics select another way. They choose а self-preservation as a basis for the justification of Socrates’ moral axiomatic. The common place in both approaches is an argument of ambivalence. The cardinal difference lies in that the Stoics made a courageous decision on the demarcation of the moral and indifference areas. Plato decline to solve this problem.
Kargaltsev A. Dreams and visions in religious culture of the 3rd century Roman North Africa: martyrs and Platonists
Kargaltsev Alexey, graduate student, Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University
Ключевые слова: Platonism, Christianity, North Africa, hagiography, martyrdom, Arnobious. The paper analyses the assumpsion of dreams and visions in the 3rd century Roman North Africa. The African hagiography specifically values dreams which were seen by martyrs as an evidence of the God’s will. Such attitude seems to be similar with platonic tradition, reflected in Apuleius works. The writer being an eager critic of Christianity describes several dreams that resembele sacred ones in the martyr stories. Besides, he grounds them from the angle of Plato’s phylosophy. Correspondence of both traditions could be found in the Apology by Arnobious the Minor, a Platonist, whose convertion was caused by a sacred dream.
Panov S. Plato: a «thought magics» culture and the metaphysical neutralization of judgment
Panov Sergey, PhD, associate professor at Moscow Institute for Steel and Alloys
Ключевые слова: Plato, theoretical prosopopeia, polytheism, stimulating perceptions, metaphysical redundance, stimuli inversion. Plato`s theoretical prosopopeia was a conceptual answer to the polytheist regulation of consciousness. The reactive consciousness in the theoretical prosopopeia determined by transforming all absolutized desires into stimulating perceptions, in the universe of aliened thoughts-images. The emancipation of the reactive consciousness in the metaphysical neutralization of judgment about human being objective conditions permitted to submit a reality relation to the metaphysical redundance in according to the stimuli inversion.
Gerasimov I. The place of myth in Plato’s philosophy
Gerasimov Ivan, student at Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU
14.00-14.30 Coffee break
14.30-17.00 Workshops continued
section 4: Medieval and Russian receptions of Platonism,
part 2
(Assembly hall)
Moderators – Benevich G. I., Kurdybaylo D. S.
Romanenko I. Pagan and Theistic Education Ideals: Paradigmatic Approach
Romanenko Inna, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Department of Philosophy, professor
Ключевые слова: History of Philosophy, History of Education, Education Paradigms. In this report the author analyzes the transition period peculiarities of the new human type formation, which was initiated by the religious values of Christianity. In the first century AD there were different traditions performing mutual polemics that led to the clarification of their positions. The common point in all directions at this time was the discovery of the spiritual dimension of human existence. The spiritual initiation and strengthening became the main goal of the new education. Different Neoplatonic, Gnostic and Early Patristic interpretations of this issue are compared in this report. The cognitive value of the paradigmatic approach to the education history studies is that of a variety of social reality cognition methods implying a certain theoretical system.
Goncharko O., Chernoglazov D. Theodoros Prodromos’ “Xenedemos”: Platonic Dialogue Renaissance in the 12th century Byzantium
Goncharko Oksana, St-Petersburg State University, Department of Logic, research assistant Chernoglazov Dmitry, St-Petersburg State University, Department of General Linguistics, assistant professor
Ключевые слова: History of Logic, Medieval Logic, Platonic Dialogue, Byzantine Philosophy, Byzantine Literature, Comnenian Renaissance. “Xenedemos, or Voices” is a little-known philosophical work by Theodoros Prodromos, an outstanding Byzantine writer of the 12th c. The object of the present paper is to analyse style and structure of the dialogue, to describe its historical and cultural context, to define its specific features, to demonstrate, that “Xenedemos” according to all criteria belongs to the genre of “platonic dialogue”.
Savinov R. Coinciding oppositions: Strategies of reconciliation of Plato and Aristotle in Renaissance philosophy
Savinov Rodion, PhD, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities
Ключевые слова: Platonism, Early Modern, Scholasticism, Peripatetic, Christianity. In Renaissance, when Latin West found original Ancient and Byzantine cultural heritage, dispute arose about the dignity of Plato and Aristotle, on their authority. This dispute was initiated by Gregory of Trebizond and Cardinal Bessarion of Nicaea, and, after works of Marsilio Ficino, was one of the biggest debates in Early Modern. It was attended by doctors, theologians, philosophers and many other intellectuals (Ch. Javelli, J. Charpentier, G. Buratelli, P. da Fonseca), , and it moved from exegesis to philosophy, and it became the basis for new European Platonism.
Semikolennnykh M. Why is Plato Dangerous to a Christian? Criticism on Plato’s Philosophy in Comparatio Aristotelis et Platonis by George of Trebizond
Semikolennnykh Maria, PhD in Culturology
Ключевые слова: George of Trebizond, Basilios Bessarion, Plato. The paper considers criticism on Plato’s Philosophy in Comparatio Aristotelis et Platonis by George of Trebizond. According to George, Plato is not just inferior to Aristotle as a philosopher and cannot compete with him as to purity and chastity of life: Plato’s very teaching is absolutely hostile to Christianity. It has already brought about Byzantium’s downfall and now threatens the existence of the Occident.
Makovezky E. Platonists and Aristotelians of the XIV century: Five works of Grigorij Nedetovskij
Makovezky Evgeny, associate professor, SPbSU Institute of Phiolosophy
Ключевые слова: Grigorij Ivanovich Nedetovskij, O. Zabytyj, Hesychasm, Hesychast controversy, St. Gregory Palamas, Platonism, Barlaam of Calabria. In the history of philosophy there are opposite estimates of the importance of a philosophical element in the Hesychast controversy in Byzantium of the XIV century. Meanwhile, the history of an Hesychasm in Russia gives some facts concerning, in particular, identification of the parties of the conflict as Platonists or Aristotelians. In article works of the little-known Russian writer and patrologist of the XIX century – Grigorij Ivanovich Nedetovskij – are considered. On the basis of the analysis of his writings the conclusion about inaccuracy of identification of an Hesychast position as the Platonic one is drawn.
Akhunzianova F. Platonism as a cultural code in the conceptual-semantic organization of the D.S. Merezhlovsky’s texts
Akhunzianova Farida, candidate of culturology, docent of the chair of culturology and philology, Kostroma State Universaty of Technology (Kostroma)
Ключевые слова: Merezhkovsky, culture early XX century, Platonism, cultural code, antinomy, identity, metaphor of special eye view, Spirit-Soul-Love. The creativity of D.S. Merezhkovsky is a sphere of filled with deep ontological essence concepts. The cultural codes inherent creative person beginning of XX century contributes to decode their content and to reveal their semantic. Plato's ideas are organically fit into the kulturphilosophical scope of specified time was largely determined and shaped his. Therefore Platonism can be regarded as a universal cultural code, contributing to the relevant understanding kontceptosfery thinkers of the XX century, including D.S. Merezhkovsky.
Ryapolov S. Archimandrite Theophan's (Avsenev) theory of soul
Ryapolov Sergey, independent scholar
Ключевые слова: Russian shellingism, the theory of the soul, Archimandrite Theophan (Avsenev), Russian Platonism. This paper deals with the theory about the soul of original Russian philosopher, one of the founders of psychological science in Russia Archimandrite Theophan (Avsenev).
section 6: Platonism in the Socio-Cultural and Arts contexts
(hall 504)
Moderators – Dorofeev D. Yu., Svetlov R. V.
Svetlov R. Philosopher in the space of ancient public history
Mkrtchyan A. Plato’s choreography: the royal art of dance and the two-thousand-year dancing man mystery
Mkrtchyan Armen,
Ключевые слова: Plato, Shopehauer, Nietzsche, Socrates, dance, folk dance, virtue, conscience, music, will, courage, education. This report deals with an as-yet little studied subject (especially in terms of its historical impact) of choreia, which Plato considered in his Laws. We are going to be primarily concerned with the features of Plato’s dance so we are going to try and give a rundown of its choreography. Another aspect of this study is comparing the positions of Plato and Nietzsche (which goes against the stereotypical approach in which the two are viewed as opposites), because on closer inspection it is the choreia that Plato developed in Laws that later lay the foundation for Nietzsche’s concept of the Apollo and Dionysus origins because essentially this concept takes us back to Plato’s Apollo and Dionysus round dances. After all both Plato in his Laws and Nietzsche in his Birth of Tragedy use folk songs and folk dances that involve the cult of Dionysus and consumption of wine as the foundation for their further research (in Laws a whole of three books are devoted to it: the first, the second and the seventh) so Plato singles out Dionysus and Apollo as the two most important leaders in circle dances.
Sinitsyn A., Sverdlov M. The philosophy of symposion: the context of wine in Plato's narrative
Sinitsyn Alexander, Sverdlov Michael
Epitome. Alexei Fedorovich Losev (1893–1988) in his short article On Intellectuality (1986) presents his understanding of intellectuality and an intelligent person. The Russian philosopher defined the gist of intellectuality as a continuous heroic act; genuine intellectuality, according to Losev, “is always a feat, not necessarily a fight, but constant readiness for a fight and preparedness for it”. The authors of this report discusses Losev’s formula of an intellectuality as “a potential and topical feat” aimed at changing the imperfect world “for the sake of common prosperity” arising from his interpretation of the myth and the mythological hero. The authors proposes to join in the discussion of Losev’s logical analysis of intellectuality and the actual performance thereof by the philosopher whose own lot proved tragic.
Dorofeev D. The laughter and tears of Ancient Philopsophy: to evolution of icon's Heraclitus and Democritus
Dorofeev Daniil, PhD, National Mineral Resources University (Mining University), St Petersburg
In speech it is supposed to consider a phenomenon of tears and laughter in ancient culture and art and especially the understanding and an appraisement of this phenomenon in ancient philosophy. This research will be realized on Heraclitus and Democritus's iconographic material which will allow to lift a problem of a interrelation of philosophy and plastic art in antiquity and will present its further evolution in the European art.
Nogovitsin O. Narrative theory of classical Antiquity and history
Nogovitsin Oleg, PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Research and Education Center for the Problems of Philosophy, Religion, and Culture of Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
In the article is considered the contradictory correlation′ narrative theories of Plato and Aristotle. It is presented in detail the problem context, in which Plato gives a priority to so-called «pure narration», and Aristotle — to tragedy. It is discussed ethical, political and aesthetic grounds of this contradiction. The article is minutely concerned with the ancient representation of the history, methods and meanings of its own fragmentation in various models of understanding of the narrations — as bringing an accidental event to the sensible, systematized integrity.
Lisovich I. Neo-platonism and scientific knowledge in the culture of the early Modern period: visual status
Lisovich Inna, candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Culturology and Politology, Moscow University for the Humanities
Ключевые слова: early Modern period, a new philosophy, Plato, Neo-platonism, Aristotle, the visual, evidence. The report focuses on the impact of Neo-platonism on scientific knowledge and cultural practices of early Modern period. Liberal art seek to overcome the influence of Aristotle and the Scholastics, and turn to the philosophy of Plato. To Plato goes back to the idea and understanding of the visual, which becomes the basis of observational science and argument in a new philosophy.
T. Robinson. The Diaries of Socrates (A Play for Four Voices). Theater troupe “FeelIn”
Conference summary (Assembly hall)
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