Viktoria Bojko, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, student
Man as androgyn: on the question of setting the boundary between masculine and feminine and the possibility of absolute unity of both principles
The report is devoted to the issue of androgyny and the concept of absolute integrity associated with this problem. The philosophy of Plato in the report is considered, on the one hand, as a source that gives some idea of the forms of love that exist. On the other hand, as a logical way of solving a problem, in fact, experienced, in each case related to a specific empirical reality. At the same time, the report deals with the connection of the idea of the integrity of human nature with the artistic form of expression of this representation: through myth and poetry. It is said that imagery and artistic fantasy are an extremely important and essential element in the picture of the whole world of two individuals.
androgyny, integrity and fragmentation, experience and logic, artistic fantasy and reality