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The Universe of Platonic Thought
Универсум платоновской мысли

27th International Conferecne  ·  XXVII Международная конференция
28 June 2019   St Petersburg, Russia  ·  28 июня 2019   Санкт-Петербург, Россия

About Conference Conference Program Abstracts

International Conference
Paideia, State, Man:
Anthropology in Platonic tradition

28 June 2019, St Petersburg

10.30 - 15.30 - Workshops

will be held at two venues:

1. Institute of Human Philosophy of Herzen University
Address: 26 Malaya Posadskaya str. (hereinafter — IHPh);

2. Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities
Address: 15 Fontanka river emb. (hereinafter — RChAH)

16.00-18.30 - Closing Plenary session:
26 Malaya Posadskaya str. (IHPh)


Workshop 1: Presocratics and Socratic schools
IHPh, hall 105

Rostislav Dyomin and Svetlana Karavaeva

  1. Ekaterina Iurina, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, student
    The drama of Euripides and Aristophanes as a dialogue: simulatio/dissimulatio and κομψὸς θεατής
  2. Sergey Slobodkovsky, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, St Petersburg, MA student
    Epoché in the epic text: Comparison of Socrates and Aeneas
  3. Gleb Zemlyakov, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, St Petersburg, PhD student; St Alexius College of Humanitarian and Socio-pedagogical disciplines, Samara, lecturer
    The existing non-being of Gorgias and the backwards flowing Euphrates: the language and the thinking in the service of the sophistry
  4. Svetlana Karavaeva, North-West State Medical University, Assistant Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    Characters of Xenophon’s Socratic corpus
  5. Rostislav Dyomin, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, St Petersburg, lecturer; “Peterschule” gymnasium, lecturer
    Two forms of hedonism: Hegesias of Cyrene and the ancient Chinese philosopher Yang Zhu
  6. Oxana Koval, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, St Petersburg, Assistant Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    Peripetias of Reason and Passion in the Tragedy of Seneca Phaedra: Between Pathology and Philosophy
  7. Lilia Castle, Chaminade University of Honolulu, USA, Professor, PhD
    “He whom love touches not walks in darkness” (Anthropogenesis in Epic of Gilgamesh and Plato's Symposium)

Workshop 2: Platonic Ontology and Theory of Knowledge
IHPh, hall 101

Konstantin Shevtsov, Aleksei Pleshkov and Alexey Bogomolov

  1. Konstantin Shevtsov, St Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, Professor, DSc in Philosophy
    The position of a knower: on paradoxes in Plato's philosophy
  2. Roman Svetlov, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St Petersburg, Head of the Philosophy department, DSc in Philosophy, Professor
    From Epimenides to the Parmenides
  3. Alexander Sinitsyn, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, Associate Professor; St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, CSc in History
    Plato on the history studies and the first historians (prolegomena)
  4. Aleksei Pleshkov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities (Moscow), Deputy director, CSc in Philosophy
    “Image that we have named Time”: Plato’s physical and metaphysical account of time
  5. Ivan Protopopov, St Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Associate Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    The idea of justice in Plato's Republic
  6. Alexey Bogomolov, Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University — Minin University, Associate Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    Apophatic problem of Early Greek philosophy and its adoption in the dialogue “Sophist”
  7. Ilya Lyashko, St Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, College of Technology, Modelling and Management, Deputy Director of upbringing work
    Ontognoseological lesson of Plato
  8. Kirill Prokopov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, PhD student
    Was Socrates a ‘true philosopher’? On Pythagorean Way of Life in Plato’s Phaedo
  9. Igor Tantlevskij, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, Chairman of the Department of Jewish Culture, Professor, DSc in Philosophy
    Skepticism as an “Attribute” of the Dialectical Methodology of Qohelet
  10. Serguei Panov, National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Associate Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    The magics of thought in Plato's metaphysics: sources of the method, results of inversion, the sacrifice in question

Workshop 3: New Approaches to Studying Platonism
IHPh, hall 308

Elena Alymova and Vyacheslav Minak

  1. Yefim Bryantsev, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, student
    Platonic dialogue and Mennipean satire in the light of their common origin
  2. Roman Gallyamov, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, MA student
    Plato and Democritus: At the origins of scientific virtues
  3. Nino Zakroshvili, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, MA student
    Mythologem of Cosmic Catastrophes in the Context of the problem of epimeleia heautou in the Ancient Greek Tradition
  4. Evgeniia Zakharchuk, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, student
    Plato’s myth about Hades and its meaning in the context of dialogues: Crito, Gorgias, Phaedo and The Republic X
  5. Vyacheslav Minak, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St Petersburg, student
    On the relationship between anthropology and psychology in Plato’s Phaedo and Aristotle’s On the Soul
  6. Nikita Minyuk, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, student
    Criticism of Plato in the 20th century: political aspect
  7. Dmitry Sychev, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, student
    The image of the academician: appearance, occupation, leisure
  8. Michael Shcherbakov, St Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philology, student
    Formalized discussion in Aristotle’s “Topics”
  9. Pavel Fedotov, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, student
    Plato’s Symposium as Space of Homer’s estrangement

Workshop 4: Paideia
IHPh, hall 106

Daniil Drofeev and Alexander Shevtsov

  1. Irina Batrakova, North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, Associate Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    Harmony and reasonability in Plato's teaching on paideia
  2. Rustam Galanin, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, St Petersburg, research fellow, CSc in Philosophy
    Two Education Types: The Socratic and the Sophistic Ones
  3. Maksim Narovetskii, Department of philosophy, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, postgraduate student
    The educational concept of Plato and C. S. Lewis
  4. Daria Dugina, Moscow State Lomonosov University, postgraduate student
    The One as an apophatic ruler of Plato's state: a political view of Neoplatonists
  5. Pavel Likhter, Penza State University, Associate Professor, CSc in Law
    The three-part soul and constitutional degradation in Plato’s Republic
  6. Igor Devaykin, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, MA student
    On the interpretation of the paideia in the Plato’s Republic (Werner Jaeger and Martin Heidegger)
  7. Daniil Dorofeev, St Petersburg Mining University, Professor; North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, Professor, DSc in Philosophy, Professor
    Paideia as medicine, anthropoly and aesthetics of self-education (Plato, Nietzsche and Foucault)
  8. Alexander Shevtsov, independent scholar, International academy for the Psychological sciences DSc in Psychology
    Ancient Anthropology of Desires
  9. Peter Neshitov, St Petersburg State University for Telecommunications, Associate Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    Will a gadfly help a metal horse? (An apology of socrates)
  10. Peter Klenin, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St Petersburg, PhD student
    Paideia as a state project of Plato

Workshop 5: Neoplatonism in Christian tradition
IHPh, hall 312

Eugene Makovetsky and Maria Semikolennykh

  1. Aleksey Panteleev, St Petersburg State University, Institute of History, Associate Professor, CSc in History
    Early Martyrdoms as Instructions for Christians
  2. Maxim Prikhodko, The Parish of St. Nicolas Russian Orthodox Church, (Seville, Spain), CSc in Philosophy
    Sacred Play in Alexandrian Exegesis
  3. Eugene Makovetsky, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, Professor, DSc in Philosophy
    The Triadological Foundations of the Philosophy of the Other
  4. Dmitry Kurdybaylo, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St Petersburg, research fellow; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, St Petersburg, research fellow, CSc in Philosophy
    Some notes on Augustine and Sceptic Academy
  5. Elena Chelnokova, Russian Orthodox University of St. John the Theologian, Associate Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    The logos of Providence and the freedom of man by Saint Maximus the Confessor
  6. Oksana Goncharko, St Petersburg Mining University, Associate Professor; Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, research fellow, CSc in Philosophy
    Treatise «On the great and the small» by Theodoros Prodromos: Plato or Aristotle?
  7. Dmitri Chernoglazov, St Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philology, Associate Professor, CSc in Philology
    Platonic dialogue in the 12th century Byzantium: Eustathios’ “Theophilos and Hierokles”
  8. Dmitry Biriukov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, research fellow; The Sociological institute of the Russian Academy of Science, leading researcher, DSc in Philosophy, PhD
    Divine Activities as Accident in Palamite Doctrine: Meaning, Historical Context, and the Context of Ideas on the Nature of Theological Language
  9. Timur Shchukin, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, PhD student; Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, associate research fellow
    Movement in rest: The self-direction of Intellect in Plotinus's Enn. V.3 and Homily on the Life of St Peter of Athos by Gregory Palamas
  10. Maria Semikolennykh, The Sociological institute of the Russian Academy of Science, associate research fellow, CSc in Culturology
    Basilios Bessarion on the best form of government

Workshop 6: Ancient Neoplatonism and its Heritage
RChAH, hall 507

Tatiana Litvin and Oleg Nogovitsin

  1. Valentin Perestoronin, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, student
    Anti-Christian polemic in the 2nd century CE in the context of post-Hellenistic philosophy
  2. Aleksandr Begichev, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, MA student
    The Sun and the Good in the teachings of Plato and Julian
  3. Kseniya Savina, Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin, PhD student
    Marcianus Aristides's Apology: Hellenizing Christianity or Christianizing Platonism?
  4. Igor Tantlevskij, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, Chairman of the Department of Jewish Culture, Professor, DSc in Philosophy
    Possible Terminological Correlations in the Description of Cosmogenesis in the Timaeus and in Creationist and Emanational-Emergent Theologico-Philosophical Systems of Medieval Jewish Thinkers
  5. Tatiana Litvin, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, St Petersburg, Head of the Philosophy, Theology and Religion studies department, CSc in Philosophy
    On the quantity of the soul: Anthropology in the cosmologies of late antiquity
  6. Valery Vorobyev, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, St Petersburg, research fellow, CSc in Philosophy
    Hermogenes of Tarsus: logically-rhetorical terminology
  7. Elena Sobolnikova, Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin, Associate Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    The ideas of Plato's Parmenides in Christian mysticism
  8. Andrey Kurbanov, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, St Petersburg, research fellow, CSc in History,
    Lydia Spyridonova, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, St Petersburg, research fellow, CSc in History
    Philosophical, rhetorical and theological concepts of parresia
  9. Maria Varlamova, The Sociological institute of the Russian Academy of Science, associate research fellow, CSc in Philosophy
    Philoponus’ arguments on animation of embryo in On Aristotle On the Soul
  10. Larisa Tonoyan, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, Associate Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    Nikephoros Blemmydes's Logic and its place in upbringing and education of Byzantines
  11. Ilya Guryanov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, lecturer, CSc in Philosophy
    John Amos Comenius and Marsilio Ficino in the history of European Platonism: a comparative analysis
  12. Oleg Nogovitsin, Sociological institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Senior Researcher; Higher School of Social Sciences at the Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University, Associate Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    The category of relation and the Platonic principle of the unity of the concept of being in the philosophy of Georgius Gemistus Plethon
  13. Lydia Spyridonova, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, St Petersburg, research fellow, CSc in History,
    Andrey Kurbanov, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, St Petersburg, research fellow, CSc in History
    Legacy of Neoplatonic school in Byzantine education

Workshop 7: Plato and Modern Philosophy
RChAH, hall 504

Svetlana Martynova and Aleksey Rakhmanin

  1. Inna Lisovich, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Deputy Head of the Department of Basic and Additional Educational Programs; Moscow University for the Humanities, Professor, DSc in Cultural studies, CSc in Philosophy
    The philosopher on the throne? Representation of the image of the ruler in the European culture of early Modern period
  2. Natalia Danilkina, Dutch Research School of Philosophy (OZSW), Study group coordinator “Philosophy in Central and Eastern Europe”, CSc in Philosophy
    Virtue ethics in a comparative perspective: from Plato to modernity
  3. Daria Zaikina, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, student
    Lacanian psychoanalysis’ perspective on the myth of the cave
  4. Svetlana Martynova, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St Petersburg, Associate Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    What is the Subject of Doctors’ Practice in Plato’s Republic?
  5. Oksana Goncharko, St Petersburg Mining University, Associate Professor; Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, research fellow, CSc in Philosophy
    Ancient Greek, Byzantine and modern Greek literature reception in the story of M. Karagatsis A lonely trip to the island Kythira
  6. Nadezhda Sotnikova, independent researcher, CSc in Philosophy
    Social and political conception of Plato in the perception of V. Windelband
  7. Taras Shiyan, Foundation for Humanities (Moscow), senior researcher, CSc in Philosophy
    On the distinguishing the philosophy from the “science:” argumentation based on the division of labor in the Amatores by a Pseudo-Plato and in the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals by Kant
  8. Aleksey Rakhmanin, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, Associate Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    The Figure of Socrates in Ordinary Language Philosophy
  9. Stanislav Zotov, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, PhD student
    An abuse of power: the problem of Other in the myth of Gyges and modern approaches to it
  10. Dmitry Biriukov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, research fellow; The Sociological institute of the Russian Academy of Science, leading researcher, DSc in Philosophy, PhD
    Whose Platonism is – that of “Palamism” or that of “Barlaamism”? The question of the philosophical status of “Palamism” and “Barlaamism” in Russian thought of the beginning of the 20th century, its solutions and context
  11. Sergey Nikonenko, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, Professor, DSc in Philosophy
    Did Cats Live in Plato’s Heaven? The Critical Comment to Russell’s Proposition
  12. Michael Prasolov, Voronezh Theological Seminary, pro-rector, DSc in Philosophy
    Apophatic theology and atheism: Dionysius the Areopagite and George Berkeley

Closing Plenary session (16:00 – 18:30)
IHPh, hall 101

Roman Svetlov and Irina Protopopova

  1. Irina Protopopova, Russian State University for the Humanities, Head of Platonic Research Center, CSc in cultural studies, Associate Professor
    What is Human Being, or About Three Types of Eidos
  2. Irina Mochalova, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, Associate Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    Antisthenes as the heir of Socrates: on the question of the Cynic Paideia
  3. Anna Stepanova, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St Petersburg, Professor, DSc in Philosophy
    Paideia in overcoming of skepticism (from Socrates and skeptics to Cicero and Komensky)
  4. Elena Alymova, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, Associate Professor, CSc in Philosophy
    Two Symposia: Xenophon vs Plato
  5. Alexei Garadja, Russian State University for the Humanities, Platonic Research Center, Senior Research Fellow
    Aristoxenus of Tarentum on Socrates and Plato
  6. Presentation of the project The Heritage of Plato (Irina Protopopova, Roman Svetlov)

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