Eugene Makovetsky, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, Professor, DSc in Philosophy
The Triadological Foundations of the Philosophy of the Other*
Conceptually, the philosophy of the Other goes back to triadological theology. The purpose of the report is to demonstrate the form in which the elements of triadology are present in the philosophy of the Other? The main philosophical borrowings from triadology are the following: the concept of double inner negation, the concept of hypostasis, the concept of personality, the problem of distinguishing between being and being.
philosophy of the Other; triadological theology; history of Byzantine philosophy
*Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 18-011-00669.
This report is part of the research project № 18-011-00669 funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research