Oksana Goncharko, St Petersburg Mining University, Associate Professor; Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, research fellow, CSc in Philosophy
Ancient Greek, Byzantine and modern Greek literature reception in the story of M. Karagatsis A lonely trip to the island Kythira*
This paper offers the attempt to apply the intertextuality method (the term of Julia Kristeva) to the analysis of the story by M. Karagatsis (1908–1960, Μ.Καραγάτσης) “A Lonely Trip to the Island Kythira” (“Μοναχικὸ ταξίδι στὰ Κύθηρα”) and to examine the links, allusions and hidden quotations connected with the philosophical, theological and literature archetypes of Greek culture.
Parmenides – “On Nature”– Early Byzantine Apophthegmata – C. Cavafy – M. Karagatsis
*Исследование поддержано проектом РФФИ № 18-011-00669 «Риторические стратегии в истории византийской литературы».