Whose Platonism is – that of “Palamism” or that of “Barlaamism”? The question of the philosophical status of “Palamism” and “Barlaamism” in Russian thought of the beginning of the 20th century, its solutions and context*
The report traces two lines of treatment of the philosophical status of «Palamism» and «Barlaamism» in the context of the controversies over Onomotodoxy in Russian thought of the early 20th century. One line, proposed by Feodor Uspenskij, associated Palamism with Aristotelianism and nominalism, the other, formulated by Mitrofan Muretov, associated Palamism, to the contrary, with Platonism, and Barlaamism - with nominalism. The report explores the development and transformation of these lines during the course of the Name-Glorifiers dispute, as well as in Alexei Losev and Vassily Zubov.
Platonism, nominalism, Palamism, Barlaamism, the Name-Glorifiers dispute, Alexei Losev, Vassily Zubov
*Исследование выполнено при поддержке Российского научного фонда, проект № 18-18-00134, «Наследие византийской философии в русской и западноевропейской философии XX – XXI вв.»
This research was carried out with a financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, project 18-18-00134, “The heritage of Byzantine Philosophy in twentieth and twenty-first century Russian and Western European philosophy”