The report is dedicated to the exegesis of the Alexandrian school in the aspect the special mystical practice of ascending to seeing of Logos “face to face”. It is hypothesized that the exegetical procedure in its mysterial aspect can be analyzed in the conceptual field of the philosophy of the play, since the mystery can be represented as a sacred game. The main example of research is the interpretation of the Song of Songs by Origen, where the exeget considers the poetic book of the Old Testament as a drama and epithalamic (wedding song), which implies the inclusion of the reader in the play action at the levels of the acting characters.
Alexandrian exegesis, the Philosophy of Play, sacred game, paideia, Origen, Clement of Alexandria, The Song of Songs, symbol, allegory, sacred text, Huizinga
*Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 19-011-00749 А «Символ на границе между смешным и серьёзным в византийской экзегетике».
The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 19-011-00749 А «Symbol between the ridiculous and the serious in the Byzantine exegetics».