Paideia in Ancient Culture: Education, Politics, and Philosophy
Plato Philosophical Society
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МОО «Платоновское философское общество»
Theoretical Seminar
“Paideia in Ancient Culture:
Education, Politics, and Philosophy”

2–3 November 2020   St Petersburg, Russia  ·  2–3 ноября 2020   Санкт-Петербург, Россия

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Conference Program Proceedings
02 November 2020
2 November, 2020. Part 1
02 November 2020Beginning at 12:00 PM, 26 M. Posadskaya str., room 111
Zoom conference:
Moderators: Roman Svetlov, Marina Volf

1. Eugene Afonasin, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Institute of Philosophy and Law of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia), Head of Department

"How philosophers saved myths?" Chapter one: the sophists   ·   Recorded Video

2. Victoria Pichugina, DSc in Pedagogy, Associate Professor; Institute for strategy of education development (Moscow, Russia), Leading Researcher

AUT CUM SCUTO, AUT IN SCUTO: pedagogical dimension of the city and its defenders in Aeschylus’ Seven against Thebes   ·   Recorded Video

3. Andrej Mozhajsky, CSc in History; Institute for strategy of education development (Moscow, Russia), senior researcher

Friends and foes: topographical paideia of Thebes   ·   Recorded Video

4. Irina Protopopova, CSc in Culturology, Associate Professor; Platonic Research Center (Moscow, Russia), Head; Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow, Russia), Major Research Fellow

Plato’s dialogue as an instrument of paideia

5. Marina Volf, DSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Institute of Philosophy and Law of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia), Director

The Illegal Heirs of Demodoc: Sophistic Teaching as a Transformation of the Universe   ·   Recorded Video

2 November, 2020. Part 2
02 November 2020Beginning at 3:00 PM, 26 M. Posadskaya str., room 111
Zoom conference:
Moderators: Roman Svetlov, Marina Volf

1. Eugene Anatolievich Makovetsky, DSc in Philosophy; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor

Paideia in the christian enlightenment: Origen's "writings of God" and the moravian mission of sts. Cyril and Methodius

2. Irina Mochalova, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor

Plato as a critic of Socrates: pro et contra Socratic paideia   ·   Recorded Video

3. Sergey Slobodkovsky; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate

Is Socrates right in understanding justice?   ·   Recorded Video

4. Rustam Galanin, CSc in Philosophy; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Independent scholar

Athenian Paideia and Greek Philia in the Fifth Century BC: Cultural and Historical Context   ·   Recorded Video

5. Bella Mirzoeva; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student

Prometheus and Chiron: personal example in Antisthenes’ two types of paideia   ·   Recorded Video

6. Roman Svetlov, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Director

How does pedagogical appropriation work: the fate of Plato's texts in neoplatonic exegesis   ·   Recorded Video

03 November 2020
3 November, 2020
03 November 2020Beginning 11:30 AM
Zoom conference:
Moderators: Tatiana Litvin, Sergey Slobodkovsky

1. Tatiana Litvin, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Dean of Faculty

Commentary as genre of a moral narrative in the Middle Platonism   ·   Recorded Video

2. Elena Timoschukl, CSc in Philosophy; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow, Russia), Assistant Professor

Phenomenology as Platonism   ·   Recorded Video

3. Natalia Danilkina, CSc in Philosophy, Independent scholar

Eros and Caritas in Sergius Hessen's Philosophy of Education 

4. Igor A. Baryshev, CSc in Technics; Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), Research Fellow

Start&Finish. Does the late reflection of παιδεία mark the end of education era?    ·   Recorded Video

5. Vitaliy Darenskiy, DSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Lugansk State Pedagogical University (Lugansk, Ukraine), Professor

The Pythagorean Golden Verses as a philosophical propaedeutics

6. Alexander Sinitsyn, CSc in History, Associate Professor; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor

Merry classics vs History is a serious business: on early Greek historiography, irony, and paideia

7. Alexander Andreevich Kuraev; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student

It could not touch: Contagiousness of Epistemic Noise in/as Information Entropy   ·   Recorded Video

8. Konstantin Shurunov; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate

Paideia as a view of the real world: what should be changed in higher education?   ·   Recorded Video

9. Ekaterina Goryanina; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student ; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), master

Plato's anthropological strategy of Paideia   ·   Recorded Video

10. Nikolay Gursky; Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russia), Postgraduate

The Аbducting of the payday

11. Valeria Udalova ; Pushkin Leningrad State University (Vyborg Institute) (Vyborg, Russia), Lecturer

Technologies for the implementation of the principles of ancient παιδεία in modern philosophy classes   ·   Recorded Video

Seminar “Paideia in Ancient Culture”

Igor A. Baryshev, CSc in Technics; Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), Research Fellow

Start&Finish. Does the late reflection of παιδεία mark the end of education era? *

Conceptualization and introduction of παιδεία into the modern agenda are attributed to the philologist Jaeger neither to educators nor philosophers; even Hegel stood aside. Why was the interest so late and what does its growth mean nowadays? The end of anthropopractic 'development in the framework of mature goal-setting' begins already, or just intuition of reducing the education sector?

Keywords: παιδεία education eschatology discourse analysis

* no

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