1. Vitaly Ivanov; Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher
What does God know? Remarks on the method of natural theology by Fr. Suarez in the context of his treatise on “scientia Dei”. · Recorded Video
2. Oksana Goncharko, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher
Icon veneration as theology: from Plato to Joseph of Volotsk · Recorded Video
3. Larisa Tonoyan, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher
The Tree of Porphyry: Logic and Theology · Recorded Video
4. Dmitri Chernoglazov, CSc in Philology; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
The concepts of "homonymy", "synonymy" and "paronymy" in late antique grammar and logic · Recorded Video
5. Valery Vorobyev, CSc in Philosophy; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher
John Damascene. Institutio elementaris ad dogmata · Recorded Video
6. Eugene Anatolievich Makovetsky, DSc in Philosophy; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor; Sociological Institute, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Research Fellow
Vision of St. Eulogios in the context of the Iconoclast controversy
7. Lydia Spyridonova, CSc in History; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Research Assistant
Andrey Kurbanov, CSc in History; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Research Assistant
Logic’s manuals of the circle of Gerasimos Vlachos
8. Igor Khmara; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate
Social Topology Of The Late Antique Alexandria Thought · Recorded Video
1. Nina Sergeevna Ishchenko, CSc in Philosophy; Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts named by M. Matusovsky (Lugansk, LPR, Russia), Assistant Professor
Platonic Images in 'The Enchanted Wandered' by N. Leskov
2. Sergey Ryapolov, CSc in Philosophy; Moscow State Institute of Culture (Khimki, Russia), senior lecturer
Platonic motifs in the works of I.S. Turgenev
3. Ekaterina Zemtsova; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate
West of the pillars of Hercules: the myth of Atlantis in the context of ancient social utopia · Recorded Video
4. Daria Diatlova, Independent scholar
Game as a philosophical activity in the work of Hermann Hesse "The Glass Bead Game" · Recorded Video
5. Maksim Narovetskii; Department of Philosophy, FEB RAS (Vladivostok, Russia), Researcher
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Platonic Myth or the Story of Christ? · Recorded Video
6. Valeriya Ismiyeva, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Institute of World Civilizations (Moscow, Russia), Associate Professor
The experience of Ascent to the Eidetic: Platonic motifs in A. Tavrov's poem "The Dante Project" (2014)
7. Artyom Andreevich Gravin, CSc in Technics; Sociological Institute, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher
Manifestation and non-manifestation in Young Symbolists’ language practices · Recorded Video
8. Maxim Ovsyannikov; Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow, Russia), Postgraduate
The religious images in works by Jean Delville within the context of Plato's theology
9. Sergey Ryapolov, CSc in Philosophy; Moscow State Institute of Culture (Khimki, Russia), senior lecturer
The image of the heroic in the classic games of the Doom series
1. Sergey Slobodkovsky; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate
Roman and Jewish messianism · Recorded Video
2. Georgii Nikolaevich Botka; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student
Religion in the philosophy of Protagoras · Recorded Video
3. Aleksandr Boitsov, CSc in Biology, Independent scholar
What unites us? · Recorded Video
4. Mikhail Alexeevich Kovalenko; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student
Chora: situation on the edge of polemic · Recorded Video
5. Dmitry Alexandrovich Vinogradov; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher
About origins and results of rational theology · Recorded Video
6. Artyom Igorevich Myasnikov ; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student
Perception of Plato's ideas in marxist philosophy
7. Mariya Konstantinovna Serbina; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), нет
Eros like a Daimon in Plato's philosophy · Recorded Video
8. Evgeni Leonidovich Shklyar; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student
The meaning of life through the philosophy of Plato · Recorded Video
9. Marina Sorokina; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate; Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University (Veliky Novgorod, Russia), Teacher
Love or Kill Your Teacher · Recorded Video
10. Siyana Shchepanovskaya; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), MA; Saint-Petersburg University of Culture and Art (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate
Philosopher Plato as the inventor and inspired ambassador of the philosophical mythcreation
11. Konstantin Shurunov; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate
Pre-comprehension of the scientific method in Meno. · Recorded Video
12. Roman Martynov; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student
The mythological image of Prometheus in rational thought · Recorded Video
1. Roman Svetlov, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Director
Conference opening, greetings from Russian Plato Society. Presentation of the Platonic Investigations, issue 1 (2021) and journal Paideia · Recorded Video
2. Irina Aleksandrovna Protopopova, CSc in Culturology, Associate Professor; Platonic Research Center (Moscow, Russia), Head; Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow, Russia), Major Research Fellow
The Philosophical Mystery as Plato's Theology · Recorded Video
3. Alexei Garadja; Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow, Russia), Major Research Fellow
Plato’s onomastica: mysterial contexts
4. Alexey Vladimirovich Bogomolov, CSc in Philosophy; Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University — Minin University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), Associate Professor
Greek apophaticism: origins and typology in the Pre-Socratic onto-theology · Recorded Video
5. Dmitri Lushnikov, CSc in Theology, Associate Professor; Saint Petersburg Theological Academy (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Head of theHead of the Department of Theology
Platonism in the doctrine of the principles of theological knowledge of Archbishop Nicanor Brovkovich’s fundamental theology · Recorded Video
6. Anton Yakovlevich Kozhurin, DSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
Rational Theology of Antiquity in the horizon of perception of Russian thinkers of the late XIX-early XX century
7. Eugene Afonasin, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Institute of Philosophy and Law of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia), Head of Department; Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk, Russia), Professor
"How philosophers saved myths?" Chapter Two: the Platonists · Recorded Video
8. Kirill Prokopov; National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), Assistant Professor
Plato's individual eschatology: rationalization or mythopoeia? · Recorded Video
9. Rustam Galanin, CSc in Philosophy; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Independent scholar
The Theology of Critias the Tyrant · Recorded Video
Plato's theology in the context of his ideas about history
2. Irina Mochalova, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
The trial of Socrates: politics and/or religion?
3. Alexander Sinitsyn, CSc in History, Associate Professor; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher
Plato and historians about logographoi and logopoioi
4. Valeria Udalova ; Pushkin Leningrad State University (Vyborg Institute) (Vyborg, Russia), Lecturer
Chronos and Caeros. The personification and the meaning оf Time in ancient Greece.
5. Pavel Likhter, CSc in Law; Penza State University (Penza, Russia), Associate Professor
On essential and relegated justice in Plato's "Republic"
6. Aleksei Pleshkov, CSc in Philosophy; National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, Director
Accidental Eternity: Plato's Criticism and the Temporal Status of Mind in Anaxagoras
7. Vadim Mursky, CSc in Philosophy; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), assistant professor
The foundations of rational theology among the Eleats.
8. Gleb Sergeevich Zemlyakov; St Alexius College of humanitarian and socio-pedagogical disciplines (Tolyatti, Russia), The teacher
About two ways of saying about «Existence» in the philosophy of Parmenid
9. Fedor Borisovitch Shcherbakov, CSc in Philosophy; St Petersburg Mining University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), assistent
When Homer ceased to laugh: Epic humor and ways of its apology in antique allegorism and symbolism
10. Konstantin Shevtsov, DSc in Philosophy; St Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor
Dialectics and Mytho-logic in Plato's Parmenides
11. Vladimir Rokhmistrov, MPhil
Parmenides's Shadow in Plato's Dialogues
1. Anna Stepanova, DSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor
Ancient intellectual tradition about peace and god (from Plato to Cicero) · Recorded Video
2. Timur Artemev, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
Man's Path to Perfection by Plato · Recorded Video
3. Fedor Borisovitch Shcherbakov, CSc in Philosophy; St Petersburg Mining University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), assistent
ΣΩΜΑ, ΛΟΓΟΣ and ΑΡΙΘΜΟΣ as three meta-objects of antique scholarship · Recorded Video
4. Alexander Shevtsov, DSc in Psychology, Professor, Professor
Mythological origins of rational theology · Recorded Video
5. Aleksey D. Panteleev, CSc in History, Associate Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
Marina Vladimirovna Ponikarovskaya, CSc in History; the Saint-Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), academic secretary
Actors and the State: from Plato to the Roman Empire · Recorded Video
6. Walker Trimble, PhD; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
Plato's Timaeus and the doctrine of the four humours · Recorded Video
7. Sergey Slobodkovsky; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate
Probability in Roman Epic. · Recorded Video
8. Svetlana Karavaeva , CSc in Philosophy; North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Assistant Professor
Receptions of Platonism in the cosmology of Virgil's Aeneid
9. Denis Fedorov, CSc in Social science; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
"Against Justice": Cicero as a Textual Source and Interpreter of Testimonies about the "Philosophical Embassy" and the Carneades’ Skeptical Speeches
10. Igor Tantlevskij, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Head of Department
Qumran scepticism and ways to overcome it
11. Kseniya Savina, Researcher
Platonism as rational part of theology of early christian apologist's (case of Athenagoras of Athens) · Recorded Video
12. Alexey Kargaltsev, CSc in History; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Senior Lecturer
Intellectual background of the Early Christian Martyrs based on "The Passion of Perpetua and Felicitata" · Recorded Video
1. Yuriy Romanenko, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor
The Symbolism of Number in the Ontotheological Discourse. · Recorded Video
2. Elena Sobolnikova, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
The idea of the Monism of Timaios of Locri "On the nature of the world and the soul" · Recorded Video
3. Alisher Khamidov; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher
Aristotle and Theophrastus on Phronesis and Unseasonableness · Recorded Video
4. Aleksandr Begichev; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate
"National gods" and Their Place in the Ontology of Emperor Julian · Recorded Video
5. Vera Serkova, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor
Time in the dialog "Timaeus”
6. Maksim Sergeevich Nikulin; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate; Saint Petersburg Theological Academy (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Senior Lecturer; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Senior Lecturer
Noology of Plotinus as an essay of rational theology · Recorded Video
7. Dmitry Kurdybaylo, CSc in Philosophy; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Major Research Fellow
Mathematical and Theurgic Symbols in the writings of Iamblichus · Recorded Video
8. Maria Varlamova, CSc in Philosophy; Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Research Fellow; RAS Institute of Philosophy (Moscow, Russia), Associate Research Fellow
Nature, body and pneuma: soul and it’s underlying body in Philoponus · Recorded Video
9. Oleg Nikolaevich Nogovitsin, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Sociological Institute, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Senior Researcher
Argumentation by analogy in the philosophy and theology of John Philoponus · Recorded Video
1. Daniil Dorofeev, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; St Petersburg Mining University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Head of the Department of Philosophy, Professor
"Rational" and mystical in the image of the ancient and medieval saint philosopher · Recorded Video
2. Dmitry Biriukov, DSc in Philosophy; National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), Research Fellow
The status of apophatic statements about God in the 2nd letter of Gregory Palamas to Barlaam of Calabria
3. Maxim Prikhodko, CSc in Philosophy; The Parish of St. Nicolas Russian Orthodox Church (Seville, Spain), priest
A Conversation with God on the plain or the Logos and Nature in the Interpretation of the Figure of Isaac by Philo of Alexandria
4. Timur Shchukin; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate; Sociological Institute, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Research Fellow
Gregory Palamas' criticism of Plato's Ideas · Recorded Video
5. Artem Iakimenko, CSc in Theology; LRO Parish Church of St. Alexy the Man of God in Gorelovo, St. Petersburg (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), priest
Plato's idealism and the concepts of general and particular nature among the Chalcedonites and Monophysites · Recorded Video
6. Karina Sergeyevna Charykova; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), MA or MSc
Ηymns of the Maundy Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Kosmas the Melodos (1st half of the 8th century): some percularities of composition and content · Recorded Video
7. Olga Barysheva; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Research Fellow
Ways of interpreting grammatical rules: Byzantine commentaries to the "Introduction" of Theodosius
8. Dmitry Goncharko, CSc in Philosophy; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
Semantics, semiotics and logics in theology of Dionysius the Areopagite
9. Andrey Kurbanov, CSc in History; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Research Assistant
Lydia Spyridonova, CSc in History; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Research Assistant
Plato in the Сommentary on the poems of Gregory of Nazianzus by Cosmas of Maiuma
1. Anastasia Kutuzova; Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University (Syktyvkar, Russia), Lecturer
Rational theology and the Cult of Reason and the Supreme Being of the Great French Revolution at the end of the 18th century.
2. Maria Semikolennykh, CSc in Culturology; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher
Basilios Bessarion on Plato's polytheism
3. Olga Stavtseva, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy
Reception of Socrates at S. Kierkegaard · Recorded Video
4. Egor Migush; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student
Platonism in the works of Vincenzo Gioberti · Recorded Video
5. Inna Lisovich, DSc in Culture science, Associate Professor; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow, Russia), Associate Research Fellow
Natural magic and platonism in the european culture of early Modern period. · Recorded Video
6. Nadezhda Sotnikova, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor, assistant professor
“Plato as theologist” in the writings of W. Windelband · Recorded Video
7. Karine Dilanian, Independent scholar
Theological Cosmology of Johannes Kepler and his Reformed Astrology · Recorded Video
8. Rostislav Dyomin; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Lecturer
Theology, Philosophy, and Astronomy by Philip of Opus and Astro-theology by William Derham · Recorded Video
9. Nikita Alexeyevich Arsentev; Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), Student
Rational Theology in Cambridge Platonism: Henry More, Ralph Cudworth · Recorded Video
10. Sergey Leonidovich Katrechko, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; State Academic University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia), Associate Professor; Russian Orthodox University of St. John the Theologian (Moscow, Russia), Head of Department
Transcendental method of Plato's ontotheology · Recorded Video
11. Andrew Khoshev, CSc in Technics; Russian Orthodox University of St. John the Theologian (Moscow, Russia), Student
Neoplatonic origins of the ontological argument as interpreted by R.G. Collingwood and S. Frank · Recorded Video
12. Sergey Valentinovich Rassadin, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Tver State Technical University (Tver, Russia), Professor; RAS Institute of Philosophy (Moscow, Russia), Postgraduate
Nataliya Nikolaevna Kozlova, DSc in Political science, Associate Professor; Tver State University (Tver, Russia), Head of Chair
Plato’s Theological Myth as a Tool for Constructing the «Happy Policy»
1. Dmitry Biriukov, DSc in Philosophy; Sociological Institute, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Research Fellow
Sources of the "formula of hesychasm" in "Imyaslavie" (1921-1922) by Alexey Losev · Recorded Video
2. Liubov Petrova, CSc in Philosophy; Sociological Institute, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Senior Researcher
Platonism and palamism in sophiology of Sergei Bulgakov · Recorded Video
3. Sergey Pavlovich Glushko; Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russia), Student
The problem of the correlation of creativity and the perfect being in the philosophical theology of N. O. Lossky · Recorded Video
4. Dmitry Biriukov, DSc in Philosophy; Institute of Philosophy and Law of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia), Research Fellow
Two views on Byzantium among the older Slavophiles and the Greek-Bulgarian question · Recorded Video
5. Anna Viktorovna Tonkovidova; Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism (Krasnodar, Russia), Senior Lecturer
S.N.Bulgakov: reception of Plato's philosophy in Russian religious philosophy · Recorded Video
6. Alla Albertovna Bityutskaya ; Voronezh State University (Voronezh, Russia), Lecturer
Free theurgy of the Silver Age
7. Tatiana Levina, CSc in Philosophy; Free University (Moscow, Russia), lecturer
Byzantium of Avant-Garde: Uncreated Light and Dazzling Darkness · Recorded Video
1. Igor Tantlevskij, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Head of Department
On a possible parallel between the Qumran creationist doctrine and the cosmogony of Anaxagoras
2. Alexander Pogoniailo, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor
St Paul’s Establishment and Adversus iudaeos in occidental patristics
3. Uri Gershowitz, PhD, Associate Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Assistant Professor
"The best in poetry is a lie": the influence of the Arab Aristotelian approach to poetics on the perception of the Song of Songs by Jewish philosophical and theological thought of the Middle Ages
4. Oleg Redkin, DSc in Philology, Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Head of Chair
Translations of ancient authors into Arabic and the formation of the Arab-Muslim scientific tradition
Features of Qumran “Prophetism”
2. Igor Evlampiev, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor
Petr Chaadaev on Ancient Hebrew and Ancient Greek origins of European civilization
Mashiach ben Yosef in the teachings of the Palestinian teachers of the law: analysis of a fragment from the treatise "Sukkah" (51b-53b)
4. Roman Svetlov, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Director
Irony, Slyness, or a Neoplatonic Theologumen? God the Creator in a letter from Julian the Apostate to the Jewish community
5. Dmitry Kurdybaylo, CSc in Philosophy; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Major Research Fellow
Eschatological symbolism in the writings of Philo Judaeus
© 2025 Plato Philosophical Society (Russia)