1. Emiliano Mettini, CSc in Pedagogy; Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russia), Head of Department
Plato's epistemic approach to truth: doctrine of knowledge in "Menon", "Phaedrus", "Phaedo" and "Theaetetus".
2. Irina Aleksandrovna Protopopova, CSc in Culturology, Associate Professor; Platonic Research Center (Moscow, Russia), Head; Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow, Russia), Major Research Fellow
Plato’s Parmenides: riddles and interpretations
3. Marina Volf, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Institute of Philosophy and Law of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia), Director
Platonism in Friedrich Dessauer's philosophy of technology
4. Irina Mochalova, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
Institutional approach in Platonic Studies: the history of formation and conceptual apparatus
5. Daniil Dorofeev, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; St Petersburg Mining University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Head of the Department of Philosophy, Professor
The image of the philosopher in Diogenes Laertes and the visualization of philosophy in Christianity.
1. Ivan Protopopov, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
On the question of the Identity of Thinking and Being in the Doctrine of Plato's Ideas
2. Olga V. Alieva, CSc in Philology; National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), Associate Professor
False Pleasures in the Philebus: Standard Interpretation and Its Critics
3. Roman Svetlov, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia), Director of the Higher School of Philosophy, History, and Social science
The Idea of the Good in the dialogue Philebus
4. Konstantin Shevtsov, DSc in Philosophy; St Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor
Three speeches of "Phaedrus" and the problem of the genre of philosophical research
5. Alexei Garadja; Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow, Russia), Major Research Fellow
On the authorship of the “Chrestomathy” of Proclus
6. Anna Afonasina, CSc in Philosophy; Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk, Russia), Senior Lecturer
How Dionysos got into Plato's dialogues and occupied such an important place in them?
7. Rustam Galanin, CSc in Philosophy; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Independent scholar, Research Fellow
The conception of Eros in the philosophy of Socrates
8. Maxim Ovsyannikov; Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow, Russia), Postgraduate
The Atlantis Myth in Plato's dialogues "Timeus" and "Critius"as a source of a data on Sicilian Expedition
9. Elena Sobolnikova, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
The ideas of Platonic philosophy in English Mysticism of the XIV century
1. Gleb Kupriyanov; National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), Student
Measure and eidos in “Statesman” Plato: V. V. Bibikhin's Interpretation
2. Vyacheslav Minak; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), student
Plato's dialectic as the τέχνη of speculative thinking
3. Fedor Borisovitch Shcherbakov, CSc in Philosophy; St Petersburg Mining University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), assistent
SECOND TURN OF LYNCEUS' EYE: Prolegomena to Transcendental-Phenomenological Study of Ancient Philosophical Allegoresis
4. Artem Olegovich Dudin; Khlopin Radium Institute (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Head of the Scientific and Technical Library
A theoretical seminar on natural science in Khlopin Radium Institute and Plato
5. Natalia Danilkina, CSc in Philosophy; Pskov State University (Pskov, Russia), Postgraduate
"Integrated dualism" in Plato's cosmology and Earth sciences
6. Valeria Udalova ; Pushkin Leningrad State University (Vyborg Institute) (Vyborg, Russia), Lecturer
Astrological Geometry of the Soul in Plato's Dialogues
7. Alina Dmitrievna Sevastianova; St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine (Санкт-Петербург, Russia), Lecturer
The Moral Status of Animals in the Сontext of Ancient Philosophical and Ethical Thought
8. Gianluigi Segalerba, PhD, Independent scholar
Being, knowledge, soul
9. Marina Sorokina; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate; Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University (Veliky Novgorod, Russia), Teacher
Paideia as an educational counter-strategy of the elites.
10. Oleg Grebenkin; Voronezh Theological Seminary (Voronezh, Russia), Senior Lecturer
Platonism and Christianity about love in the context of personal relationships.
1. Igor Tantlevskij, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Head of Department
“Unhandmade Temple” in Mk. 14:58 and Pushkin’s “Non-handmade monument” in the Context of the Ideology of Russian Freemasonry
2. Artyom Andreevich Gravin, CSc in Technics; Sociological Institute, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher; A.M.Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), Senior Researcher
Сommunion with God and communicative symbolism in L. A. Gogotishvili's linguo-philosophy
3. Anna Viktorovna Tonkovidova; Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism (Krasnodar, Russia), Senior Lecturer
The concept of personality in the philosophy of P. Florensky: the reception of Plato's philosophy
4. Timofei Anufriev; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student
Plato’s Interpretation of the Early K.I. Sotonin
5. Arsenij Makhnov, Independent scholar
About Socrate's daimon.
6. Varvara Popova, DSc in Philosophy; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia), Professor
The image of Plato's philosophy in a course on Ancient philosophy by A.I. Vvedensky
7. Vyacheslav Igorevich Savintsev, CSc in Philosophy; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia), Associate Professor
Platonic receptions of space and time in B. Chicherin's Metaphysics
8. Denis Fedorov, CSc in Social science; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia), Associate Professor
Alexander Egunov's heritage in the history of Russian science
9. Olga Anderson; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia), Research Fellow
Personal archive of Alexander Egunov, the translator of Plato's dialogues
10. Dmitry Biriukov, DSc in Philosophy; National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), Research Fellow
Structure and features of the "formulas of Onomatodoxy" by Pavel Florensky and Alexei Losev
11. Alexander Valerievich Poliakov; Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Saratov, Russia), Lecturer
The Place of the Idea of the Good in Merab Mamardashvili's Philosophy of Consciousness
12. Yulia Evgenevna Taldykina, Student
Plato and Russian Modern Thought
1. Svetlana Karavaeva , CSc in Philosophy; North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Assistant Professor
The Way of Logical Reasoning in Aristotle's Ethical Writings
2. Dmitri Chernoglazov, DSc in Philology; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
“Are two Gregories homonyms or synonyms?” The concepts of “homonymy”, “synonymy”, and “paronymy” in Byzantine logical tradition
3. Lydia Spyridonova, CSc in History; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Research Assistant
Andrey Kurbanov, CSc in History; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Research Assistant
Plato in the Сommentary on the poems of Gregory of Nazianzus by Cosmas of Maiuma
4. Timur Shchukin; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate; Sociological Institute, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Research Fellow
The System of Sciences according to Ammonius of Alexandria and its Transformation in Byzantine Theological Discourse (Maximus the Confessor, John of Damascus, Anastasius of Sinai)
5. Maxim Prikhodko, CSc in Philosophy; The Parish of St. Nicolas Russian Orthodox Church (Seville, Spain), priest; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Research Fellow
The philosophy of history in "Life of Constantine" by Eusebius of Caesarea and its Early-Christian background.
6. Larisa Tonoyan, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher
Definition and division as a method of Platonic philosophy
7. Andrey Kurbanov, CSc in History; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Research Assistant
Lydia Spyridonova, CSc in History; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Research Assistant
An unpublished manual of Greek Poetics by the Leichoudes brothers
8. Vladimir Nikolaevich Shishkalov, нет
Language as an information resource
9. Oleg Nikolaevich Nogovitsin, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Sociological Institute, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Senior Researcher
The argument of Severus of Antioch on the absurdity of confessing two common natures in Christ and the concept of “particular nature” in the “Arbiter” by John Philoponus
1. Alexander Pogoniailo, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor
Theological discourse in the early Middle Ages. Visigoth Kingdom
2. Eugene Afonasin, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Institute of Philosophy and Law of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia), Head of Department; Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk, Russia), Professor
Philosophy and Religious Politics in Damascius’ “Philosophical History”
3. Igor Tantlevskij, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Head of Department
Three-dimensional “Models” of Portable Temples from Khirbet Qeyafa and Tel Rekhesh, the “Drawing” of the Construction of the First Temple mentioned in 1 Chronicles 28:11–19 and the Conceptual and Decorative Elements of King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem
4. Igor Tantlevskij, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Head of Department
On the Meaning of the Tetragrammaton
1. Galina Karimovna Safiullina; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student
Delphic maxim "know thyself" in the interpretation of Heraclitus and Plato
2. Igor Tantlevskij, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Head of Department
Antique Parallels from the 5th Century B.C.E. to Qoh. 12:7
3. Sergey Valentinovich Rassadin, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; RAS Institute of Philosophy (Moscow, Russia), Postgraduate, Associate Professor
Plato's Social Orthodoxy: Rational Elimination of Differences
4. Valeriia Nikolaevna Trofimova; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student
The ontogenetic status of the animal in the concept of "reverse evolution" of Plato
5. Nino Zakroshvili, Researcher
Twofold motion of the universe in Plato's cosmology
6. Igor Igorevich Dmitrov; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student
Plato's dialogues as an introduction to the problem of the relationship between the subject and the method of philosophical knowledge
7. Vera Serkova, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor
Plato's practical philosophy
8. Elena Alymova, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
"The True Representation", or Plato and Aristotle on Mimesis
9. Maksim Sergeevich Nikulin; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate; Saint Petersburg Theological Academy (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Senior Lecturer; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Senior Lecturer
Understanding Plato's concept of mathematics
10. Gleb Sergeevich Zemlyakov; St Alexius College of humanitarian and socio-pedagogical disciplines (Tolyatti, Russia), The teacher
Elements of logical argumentation and its boundary in Parmenides' philosophy
11. Georgii Nikolaevich Botka; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student
Two wise men: Plato's Socrates and Philostratus' Apollonius
1. Aleksey D. Panteleev, CSc in History, Associate Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
Plato and his heirs on wealth, poverty and virtue
2. Maxim Prikhodko, CSc in Philosophy; The Parish of St. Nicolas Russian Orthodox Church (Seville, Spain), priest; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Research Fellow
Four ways of the “flight from the world,” according to Philo of Alexandria’s treatise De fuga et inventione
Elizaveta Igorevna Tantlevskaya; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Post-graduate
The Designations of the Jewish Legal Scholars as a Formal Reflection of the Worldview Debates in Jewish Society During the Hellenistic and Early Roman Periods
4. Andrew Vladimirovich Volodin; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia), Student
“Thus says the Lord” and “You are divine, not skillful”: divine participation in human speech on the example of Plato’s “Jon” and the prophet Isaiah.
5. Vladimir Rokhmistrov, MPh
Mathematics of Plato's «Parmenides». The experience of understanding
6. Alexey Vladimirovich Bogomolov, CSc in Philosophy; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia), Associate Professor
Parmenides and "Parmenides": non-being vs the one
7. Aleksandr Begichev; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate
The Place of Mythology in Platonic Discourse
8. Igor Khmara; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Assistant Professor
The human body: philosophical and liturgical context of the late antiquity Alexandria
9. Rodion Savinov, CSc in Philosophy; St Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
Was Plotinus an Apologist of Paganism (Enn. IV.4.30-45)?
The simile of mirror in the context of the topic of passivity of human cognitive abilities in Clement of Alexandria and Gregory of Nyssa
11. Eugene Afonasin, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Institute of Philosophy and Law of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia), Head of Department; Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk, Russia), Professor
Damascius on Platonic Mysticism
12. Dmitry Kurdybaylo, CSc in Philosophy; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Major Research Fellow
History vs symbol in the writings of Maximus the Confessor
1. Anna Stepanova, DSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor
Plato in the rationalism of the XVII century (designed by W. Dilthey)
2. Sergey Leonidovich Katrechko, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; State Academic University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia), Associate Professor; Foundation for Humanities (Moscow, Russia), Head of Chair "Studies in Transcendental Philosophy"
Plato's transcendental metaphysics (Plato and Kant)
3. Ilya Guryanov, CSc in Philosophy; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow, Russia), Associate Professor
Medicine, Natural Philosophy, and Theology in Gregoras’ Roman History (IX.14)
The Biblical Prophets-“Statesmen”, the Bible of Lemetre de Sassi and Pushkin’s “Prophet”
5. Sergey V. Lugovoy, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia), Associate Professor
The image of Plato in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
6. Fedor Igorevich Evlampiev; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student
Two models of corrrelation between singularity and multitude: Plato and Leibniz
7. Anastasia Igorevna Zolotukhina, CSc in Philology; National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), Research Fellow
"The doctrine of a new Plato": an unexpected image of Plato in early humanistic disputes
8. Olga Stavtseva, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
Plato and the formation of non-classical thinking by S. Kierkegaard
9. Eugene Malyshkin, DSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor
On the noteworthy omission in the speech of Aristophanes, interlocutor of Socrates
10. Svetlana Martynova, CSc in Philosophy; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor
Discussion of the Issues of Life's Prolongation in Antiquity (Plato, Aristotle) and Modern Age (I. Kant, C.W. Hufeland)
11. Alexandra Ekrogulskaya; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate
Repetition of Søren Kierkegaard as a Reference to Plato's Anamnesis
12. Ilya Vadimovich Kursenko; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), MA or MSc
Plato's Socrates in XVIII century France
13. Alexey Alexseevich Golovin; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate
The influence of 'Plato der göttliche' on A. Schopenhauers philosophy. Following the footsteps of manuscript heritage.
1. Sergey Nikonenko, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor
Why We Cannot Think That Cratilus Is the Origin of the Ideal Language Theory?
2. Daniil Khmelevskoi; Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia), Research Assistant
Plato's one-world idealism as interpreted by I. H. Grant
3. Aleksandr Boitsov, CSc in Biology, Independent scholar
Igor Djadan, Postgraduate
Modern interpretation of Plato's theory of participation
4. Maximilian Neapolitanskiy; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student
Philosophy of Plato in the context of the Deleuzian and post-Deleuzian tradition: from simulation to virtual
5. Anton Didikin, DSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), Professor
Platonism in Historical and Philosophical Interpretation of Normativism
6. Pavel Likhter, CSc in Law; Penza State University (Penza, Russia), Associate Professor
Popper anti-Platonian riticism: irrationalism, holism, essentialism in the focus of the theory of constitutional law
7. Irina Petrovna Berezovskaya, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Assistant Professor; Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg state transport university (Санкт-Петербург, Russia), Assistant Professor
Ancient origins of critical thinking
8. Anna Andreevna Volkova; National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), Student
[User not registered], independent scholar
Plato’s Anthropological truth in Eric Voegelin’s interpretation
1. Alexander Sinitsyn, CSc in History, Associate Professor; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Researcher
Image of the Ancient Greek philosopher in the world film art of the 20th century
2. Rostislav Dyomin; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Lecturer
Lycanthropy and Plato. Based on the pages of Olga Tokarczuk’s novel "House of Day, House of night"
3. Maksim Narovetskii; Department of Philosophy, FEB RAS (Vladivostok, Russia), Researcher
The Moral Realism of Plato and C.S. Lewis
4. Eugene Anatolievich Makovetsky, DSc in Philosophy; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor; Sociological Institute, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Research Fellow
Portraits for identification and portraits for unification: how to depict a person correctly? (Based on Greek and Russian ekphrasis).
5. Valeriya Ismiyeva, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Institute of World Civilizations (Moscow, Russia), Associate Professor
Dialectics of the ascent from the sensuous to the timeless: Platonic motifs in the cycle "Six-Line poems" by Andrey Tavrov
6. Nina Sergeevna Ishchenko, CSc in Philosophy; Lugansk State Pedagogical University (Lugansk, LPR, Russia), Assistant Professor
Literature as an Erotic Space of Spiritual Exchange
7. Ruslan Ilgarovich Dzhabrailov; National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), Postgraduate
Plato as an interlocutor of Leo Tolstoy and N.N. Strakhov: an ancient trace in Russian correspondence
1. Igor Evlampiev, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor
The Idea of Absolute Religion in Russian Philosophy: from Chaadaev to Karsavin
Elements Correlating with Syncrisis, Soliloquy, Diatribe and Symposium in the Book of Qoheleth
3. Igor Evlampiev, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor
Plato and Neoplatonism in Russian religious philosophy
4. Ilya Aleksandrovich Gulakov, Master's student of Herzen University
Analysis of the usage of terms denoting Hell/Sheol in the Old and New Testaments
5. Roman Svetlov, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia), Director of the Higher School of Philosophy, History, and Social science
‘Iamblicus’ in Dmitry Merezhkovsky’s novel The Death of the Gods. Julian the Apostate
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