Elena Alymova CSc in Philosophy, associate professor, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy Narration and Plot as Initial Structures, which actualize the Concept of Time in Greek Thought (some ideas exposed in connection with the treatment of time in the dialogues of Plato)
Elisabeth Anikina student, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg Apollonian Christ of Michelangelo. Renaissance Neoplatonism and Ancient Mysteries
Timur Artemev CSc in Philosophy, associate professor, North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov Methods of knowing the truth in Plato and their transformation in phenomenololgy
Yulia Azarova CSc of Philosophy, associate professor, Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin Plato and Levinas: the critics of “Socratic element” in Platonism
Armine Bagdasarian CSc in Philosophy, Russian State Institute of Performing Arts Philosophical hearing: once again about the argument against the Sophists
Irina Batrakova CSc in Philosophy, docent, North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov Idea of Science in Ancient and European Philosophy
Igor Berestov CSc in Philosophy, SB RAS Institute of Philosophy and Law, Novosibirsk Meno’s Paradox in Plato and Aristotle: a Rational Reconstruction
Viktoria Bojko MA student, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy Methodological basis of theories of the state of Platon and Aristotle
Ivan Chernatkin1, Larisa Tonoyan2 1 MA, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy 2 CSc in Philosophy, associate professor, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy Plato’s ideas in the scientific work of V. N. Karpov’s Systematic exposition of logic
Dmitry Chernoglazov1, Oksana, Goncharko2 1 CSc in Philology, St Petersburg State University 2 CSc in Philosophy, St Petersburg State University Platonic dialogue in Byzantium (4th – 12th centuries)
Andrey Darovskikh CSc in Philosophy, State University of New York at Binghamton Embryological aetiology according to Nemesius of Emesa
Giuseppe Di Giacomo PhD, Professor, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ Understanding of the «Image» in Plato
Daniil Dorofeev DSc in Philosophy, Professor, St Petersburg Mining University Philosophy and Medicine in Ancient Greece
Boris Dvinyaninov postgraduate student, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg The image of Asclepius in Hermeticism and Neoplatonism
Rostislav Dyomin lecturer, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg; “Peterschule” gymnasium Diodorus Cronus on “the possible and impossible,” and the elements of temporal and modal classification judgments from the representatives of the school of names
Iurina Ekaterina postgraduate student, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy Tὸ ὄνομα and τὰ πράγματα as a common context of philosophy and literature
Igor Evlampiev DSc in Philosophy, Professor, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy Non-existent God in Gnostic Christianity and Neoplatonism
Rustam Galanin CSc in Philosophy, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg Plato’s Apology of Socrates, Gorgias’ Apology of Palamedes and Euripides’ Hippolytus: borrowings, influences, textual similarities and verbal parallels. A brief analysis of rhetorical composition and philosophical context
Alexei Garadja senior research fellow of Platonic Research Center, Russian State University for Humanities Why were the Cynics named so?
Dmitry Goncharko CSc in Philosophy, St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (technical university) Cratylus and the two traditions of semiotics
Igor Goncharov DSc in Philosophy, professor, head of department of political science and international relationships, Syktyvkar state university named after Pitirim Sorokin Transformation of ancient philosophy of nature in the New European metaphysical tradition in respect to the understanding of the nature of space
Ilya Guryanov Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, NRU HSE, Moscow Marsilio Ficino’s Anthropology in the mirror of XVth century embryology
Svetlana Karavaeva CSc in Philosophy, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg Antisthenes’s Ajax and Odysseus in the historical, literary and philosophical context in the second half of the V century B. C. — first half of the IV century B. C.
Lidia Kisliakova MA student, St Petersburg State University Love, death and gain in Ficino’s commentary on Plato’s Symposium and in the Renaissance love poetry of Cyprus
Vsevolod Korolev student, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg Geometry of a Dialogue
Dmitriy Korotkov CSc in Philosophy, senior lecturer, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy Antiquity perception in postmodernism: Plato after Maurice Blanchot
Oxana Koval CSc in Philosophy, associate professor, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg The image of Socrates in the world literature
Ekaterina Kryukova CSc in Philosophy, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg “What does it matter who is speaking”: Metamorphoses of the narrator in the Apuleius’ novel
Oleg Kuliev CSc in Philosophy, assistant, St Petersburg Mining University On the similarity of the exegetical procedure in Origen and Heracleon
Dmitry Kurdybaylo CSc in Philosophy, research fellow, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg Language, name and theurgy in Iamblichus and Porphyry
Gleb Likhachev student, State Academic University for Humanities, Moscow The Er’s myth interpreted in the context of ethical conception of Plato’s Republic
Elena Lisanyuk DSc in Philosophy, associate professor, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy “To those defeated by disease medicine holds out no hand”. Plato’s argument to virtue vs Aristotle’s argument to patient
Inna Lisovich DSc in Culture studies, CSc in Philology, Professor, Moscow University for the Humanities Neo-Platonism and Liberal Arts in the Culture of Europe and England in the Early Modern Period
Tatiana Litvin CSc in Philosophy, associate professor, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg Plotinus on the Soul, Numbers and Motion
Eugene Makovetsky DSc in Philosophy, associate professor, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy Why are the Muses present at the source of the Meles?
Evgeniy Malyshkin CSc in Philosophy, associate professor, St Petersburg State University, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences Leibniz’s third man argument
Stefano Maria Capilupi PhD, Head of the Italian culture institute (Russian Christian Academy for Humanities), Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg; University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ On the possibility of a new reconciliation of the understanding of the good and of the useful
Evgeny Miroshnichenko postgraduate student, St Petersburg State University, Institute of History Neoplatonism of Synesius: some results of previous discussion
Irina Mochalova CSc in Philosophy, associate professor, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy The institutionalization of philosophy in the second half of the V – IV century BC.: Socratic schools
Irina Morozova Candidate of Culturology, associate professor, Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture and Arts The strategy of the metaphysical wholeness and discourses of the «Platonic turn» in science
Vadim Mursky CSc in Philosophy, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg Dialectics of the hypotheses in Plato’s Parmenides and Fichte’s Foundations of the Science of Knowledge
Petr Neshitov CSc in Philosopohy, associate professor The lack of Platonism in the Russian information law
Sergey Nikonenko DSc in Philosophy, professor, Professor, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy Ancient Practice of Likening as a Kind of Eidetic Experience
Valerii Nikonorov CSc in History, major research fellow, Institute of History of Material Culture, Russian Aademy of Sciences, St Petersburg Plato and Skyths: on the Iranian influence on Plato’s Republic
Oleg Nogovitsin CSc in Philosophy, associate professor, Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology; Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Editor in Chief of the Journal “ESSE: studies in philosophy and theology” Oedipus’ knowledge: Plato, Aristotle, Greek tragedy and the logic of excluded exclusion
Oleg Nogovitsyn CSc of Philosophy, associate professor, St Petersburg State University The natural-science basis of ethics in Plato’s philosophy
Konstantin Ocheretyany CSc in Philosopohy, scientific secretary, Centre for mediaphilosophy, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy Plato’s automata
Serguei Panov CSc in Philosophy, associate professor, National University of Science and Technology MISiS Plato’s dialectics: mimesis of nature, moral affect, value perspectivism
Aleksey Panteleev CSc in History, associate professor, St Petersburg State University, Institute of History The Phenomenon of Apostasy in Religion and Philosophy of the Roman Empire
Roman Pavlovsky teacher, Gymnasium #278, Saint-Petersburg The problem of the subject in the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle
Regina Penner1, Ekaterina Miliaeva2 1CSc in Philosophy, associate professor, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk,2seniour lecturer, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk Reading (with) Plato: simply about complicated
Kirill Petrov CSc in Philosophy, associate professor, Volgograd State Medical University Socrate’s Dream and Myth in Plato’s Theaetetus
Stefano Petrucciani PhD, head of the Philosophy department, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ The contractual nature of sovereignty, between Antiquity and Modernity
Alexey Pleshkov CSc in Philosophy, research fellow, Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow Matter and Time in Plato’s Timaeus
Alexander Pogoniailo DSc in Philosophy, professor, Professor, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy Counting a number in Plato and Aristoteles
Maxim Prikhodko CSc in Philosophy, priest, the Orthodox parish of St Nicolas, Seville, Spain Symbolical aspect of the anthropology of Evagrius Ponticus
Kirill Prokopov postgraduate student, NRU HSE, Faculty of Humanities, School of Philosophy Socrates in Cave: Republic as a Background of the Intellectual Autobiography in Phaedo
Ivan Protopopov CSc in Philosophy, associate professor, Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation The ontological status the idea of the good in the philosophy of Plato
Irina Protopopova Candidate of Culturology, associate professor, head of Platonic Research Center, Russian State University for Humanities Dogs-philosophers, or the Spartiate Cynics: A Cynical Context of the “Republic”
Vladimir Rokhmistrov Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg Plato’s Allegory of the Cave & Iris Murdoch’s novel The Black Prince
Inna Romanenko DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St Petersburg; St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Psychology Plato’s Educational Paradigm and the Christian Tradition
Yuriy Romanenko DSc in Philosophy, Professor, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy The Event of the Dispute between Platonism and Aristotelianism
Ludmila Rusinova student, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg The gender aspect of Plato’s theory of ideas
Irina Satina1, Svetlana Kalugina2 1 CSc in Philosophy, associate professor, N. N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University 2 CSc in Philosophy, associate professor, Voronezh State Institute of Arts Plato’s dialogues in the context of theatre
Fyodor Scherbakov postgraduate student, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg Significance of the allegorical exegesis in the Stoic school
Mikhail Scherbakov student, Belgorod National Research University To the problem of the Russian philosophical language. A comparative analysis of the metaphysical terms of the era of the formation of the Old Russian philosophical thesaurus (in the context of Aristotle's philosophy)
Walter Sennhauser lecturer, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg About the role of platonism in the formation of modern classical mathematics
Alexander Shadow postgraduate student, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy The Concept of the Elements in Ancient Philosophy
Lada Shipovalova1, Yulia Shaposhnikova2 1 DSc in Philosophy, associate professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy of Science and Technology, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy 2 CSc in Philosophy, seniour lecturer, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy The Images of Ancient Science in the Context of the Scientific Revolution
Alexander Sinitsyn CSc in History, associate professor, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg; St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy Russian Socrates — 1991 (The Image of the “Barefoot Sage” in the Cinematography)
Sergey Slobodkovsky MA student, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg Plato’s krater
Ivan Smirnov postgraduate student, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg; St Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Post-Graduate and Doctoral Studies; priest of Russian Orthodox Church Theology of Timaeus and the conception of panentheism
Larissa Sokolova DSc in Philosophy, professor, Professor, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy A. Koyré about Platonism of Galileo’s New Science
Anna Stepanova DSc in Philosophy, professor, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St Petersburg Study of Plato in the projection of mathematical symbolism (Antiquity and the present)
Roman Svetlov DSc in Philosophy, Professor, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy; Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg The principle of falsifiability and academic ἐποχή
Roman Svetlov DSc in Philosophy, Professor, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy; Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St Petersburg Why Cynics have not seen «tablehood» and «cuphood»?
Igor Tantlevskij DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Chairman of the Department of Jewish Culture, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy The Notion “Heart” (lēḇ) in the Books of Ecclesiastes and Proverbs
Tigran Tumanyan DSc in Philosophy, professor, head of the Department of Eastern philosophy and cultural studies, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy On the traditions of political thought in the medieval Islam
Tigran Tumanyan DSc in Philosophy, professor, head of the chief of Eastern philosophy and cultural studies, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy On the Biblical Grounds of Politics and Ethics in Islam
Marina Volf DSc in Philosophy, director, SB RAS Institute of Philosophy and Law, Novosibirsk Plato against Sophists: are charitable interpretations of relativism possible?
Darya Zaikina student, St Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy Reading Plato’s dialogues using the four discourses theory by Jaques Lacan
Anastasia Zolotukhina CSc in Philosopohy, senior lecturer, Moscow State University Plato as a source for the first choreographers: the origin of Renaissance theory of dance in XV century Italian treatises