Universe of Platonic Thought 2020
Plato Philosophical Society
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МОО «Платоновское философское общество»
The Universe of Platonic Thought
Универсум платоновской мысли

28th International Conference  ·  XXVIII Международная конференция
25–26 June 2020   St Petersburg, Russia  ·  25–26 июня 2020   Санкт-Петербург, Россия

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Conference Program Proceedings

Afonasin Eugene, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Institute of Philosophy and Law of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia), Head of Department

"How philosophers saved myths?" Chapter one: the sophists   ·   Recorded Video


Baryshev Igor A., CSc in Technics; Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), Research Fellow

Start&Finish. Does the late reflection of παιδεία mark the end of education era?    ·   Recorded Video


Galanin Rustam, CSc in Philosophy; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Independent scholar

Athenian Paideia and Greek Philia in the Fifth Century BC: Cultural and Historical Context   ·   Recorded Video

Goryanina Ekaterina; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student ; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), master

Plato's anthropological strategy of Paideia   ·   Recorded Video

Gursky Nikolay; Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russia), Postgraduate

The Аbducting of the payday


Kuraev Alexander Andreevich ; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student

It could not touch: Contagiousness of Epistemic Noise in/as Information Entropy   ·   Recorded Video


Litvin Tatiana, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Dean of Faculty

Commentary as genre of a moral narrative in the Middle Platonism   ·   Recorded Video


Makovetsky Eugene Anatolievich, DSc in Philosophy; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Professor

Paideia in the christian enlightenment: Origen's "writings of God" and the moravian mission of sts. Cyril and Methodius

Mirzoeva Bella; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Student

Prometheus and Chiron: personal example in Antisthenes’ two types of paideia   ·   Recorded Video

Mochalova Irina, CSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor

Plato as a critic of Socrates: pro et contra Socratic paideia   ·   Recorded Video

Mozhajsky Andrej, CSc in History; Institute for strategy of education development (Moscow, Russia), senior researcher

Friends and foes: topographical paideia of Thebes   ·   Recorded Video


Pichugina Victoria, DSc in Pedagogy, Associate Professor; Institute for strategy of education development (Moscow, Russia), Leading Researcher

AUT CUM SCUTO, AUT IN SCUTO: pedagogical dimension of the city and its defenders in Aeschylus’ Seven against Thebes   ·   Recorded Video


Shurunov Konstantin; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate

Paideia as a view of the real world: what should be changed in higher education?   ·   Recorded Video

Sinitsyn Alexander, CSc in History, Associate Professor; Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Associate Professor

Merry classics vs History is a serious business: on early Greek historiography, irony, and paideia

Slobodkovsky Sergey; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia ( Saint Petersburg, Russia), Postgraduate

Is Socrates right in understanding justice?   ·   Recorded Video

Svetlov Roman, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Institute of the philosophy of a human, Herzen University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Director

How does pedagogical appropriation work: the fate of Plato's texts in neoplatonic exegesis   ·   Recorded Video


Timoschukl Elena, CSc in Philosophy; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow, Russia), Assistant Professor

Phenomenology as Platonism   ·   Recorded Video


Udalova Valeria; Pushkin Leningrad State University (Vyborg Institute) (Vyborg, Russia), Lecturer

Technologies for the implementation of the principles of ancient παιδεία in modern philosophy classes   ·   Recorded Video


Volf Marina, DSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor; Institute of Philosophy and Law of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia), Director

The Illegal Heirs of Demodoc: Sophistic Teaching as a Transformation of the Universe   ·   Recorded Video

Seminar “Paideia in Ancient Culture”

Elena Timoschukl, CSc in Philosophy; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow, Russia), Assistant Professor

Phenomenology as Platonism

The interpretation of Platonism by Edmund Husserl in the work of Arnold Thomas “Phänomenologie als Platonismus. Zu den Platonischen Wesensmomenten der Philosophie Edmund Husserls”, which digs out the deep root zones of Platonism in Husserl's phenomenology.

Keywords: Platonism, Husserl, phenomenology, eidetics, intersubjectivity

The report is a review of the book by the German professor Arnold Thomas “Phenomenology as Platonism. On the essential platonic aspects of Edmund Husserl's philosophy "(Arnold T. Phänomenologie als Platonismus. Zu den Platonischen Wesensmomenten der Philosophie Edmund Husserls. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2017 333 pp.)
The book was published based on the materials of the dissertation in 2017 “Plato's bastard. Systematic and historical research on the Platonic elements of Edmund Husserl's philosophy.
A. Thomas, first of all, thoroughly studies all of Husserl and finds his direct and indirect statements about Plato. Thus, he reminds the reader that Husserl spoke of Descartes's philosophy as a "modification" of Plato's philosophy, and Descartes's philosophy was a beacon of rationality for the creator of phenomenology. In his lectures, Husserl proposed an interpretation of the Socratic approach, in which he discovers the archetype of his eidetic, correlated Plato's anamnesis with the significance of the a priori in phenomenology, and compared Plato's maieutics with the doctrine of pure essences.
However, such references are not evidence of a systemic acceptance of Plato as one of the founders of phenomenology. Husserl follows his own path of self-reflection and historical revision of European philosophy. A. Thomas believes that Platonism and phenomenology have much more implicit intersections and addresses six problem areas: 1) the place of philosophy in scientific knowledge, 1) the ethical component of philosophy, 3) philosophy as a polemic, 4) the world of life in philosophy, 5 ) eidos and laws of eidetics, 6) philosophy and the absolute.
A. Thomas teaches philosophy at the University of Heidelberg. The direction of his research is the thematization of phenomenology and metaphysics. The main speculative interlocutors of the author are Heraclitus, Plato, Plotinus, Nicholas of Cusa, Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas. In addition to the platonic configuration of phenomenology, Arnold Thomas deals with the problematization of the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl as a path to metaphysics, the analysis of the presence of phenomenology in cyberspace, the study of temporality, corporeality and intersubjectivity, and the forecast of the future of phenomenology.
The social direction of the scientist's activity is to assist in the work of the State Foundation "Humanism Today" (Baden-Württemberg) and to guide the student seminar against populism and fascism "Applied logic or why there is so little common sense in politics"

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